

CAMAC 052 Module

Quad Unipolar DAC - Power Supply Controller

Robert J. Ducar

September 25, 1984


8  DOCUMENTATION          
   PAL DIRECTORY        


           1.0  DESCRIPTION
                The CAMAC 052 module is a  four  channel  DAC  -  power
           supply   controller.    The  AD565  DACs  have  12  bits  of
           resolution and are wired for unipolar operation.  The analog
           output  ranges  from  0 to +10.2375 volts with lsb valued at
           2.5 mv.  Each channel has a buffered  output  with  separate
           offset and gain adjustments.  The output buffer amplifier is
           capable of driving 5ma at full scale output.  There  is  100
           ohms resistance in series with each analog output to isolate
           cable capacitance.  All outputs are set to zero  upon  power
           up or module clear.  A polarity control line is provided for
           each channel.  Each channel is programmed in 2's  complement
           code as a left justified 13 bit word.
                The module also provides four lines of  ON/OFF  control
           and  twelve  bits  of  status  monitor.   The  static ON/OFF
           control lines are sourced  by  74128  drivers.   The  status
           monitor  inputs are opto-coupled (HCPL-2630) with a separate
           return common for each group of three monitor  inputs.   All
           inputs  and outputs are positive logic.  The user may select
           one of two types of drivers for the polarity control lines.
           2.0  INPUT/OUTPUT SCALING
                  SELECT                   INPUT   OUTPUT   POLARITY
                  ------                   -----   ------   --------
                  Positive Full Scale      7FF8  +10.2375v  + (high)
                  Positive LSB             0008  + 0.0025v  + (high)
                  Zero                     0000    0.0000v  + (high)
                  Minus LSB                FFF8  + 0.0025v  - (low)
                  Minus Full Scale + LSB   8008  +10.2375v  - (low)
                  Minus Full Scale         8000  +10.2375v  - (low)
                   On board PALs invert the input data and add one  lsb
                for  minus  inputs.  The lsb is not added for the minus
                full scale input which  has  the  result  of  redundant
                outputs for 8008 and 8000 input codes.
           3.0  CAMAC 052 OP CODES
                 All codes return module Q and X immediately.
                 This module never asserts LAM.
                F(0) A(n)   Read D/A Value of DACn    n = 0 -> 3
                            R16         -         R4 | R3   -   R1
                            Sign <- D/A Value -> LSB        0
                F(1) A(0)   Read Control and Monitor Status
                            R16 R15 R14 R13 | R12       -       R1
                            PS3 PS2 PS1 PS0   SB12      -      SB1
                            ON  ON  ON  ON       MONITOR LINES
                F(6) A(0)   Read Module Number
                            R16   -   R9 | R8    -     R1
                                  0        34 Hex, 52 Dec
                F(7) A(0)   Dummy Read - No Data Are Returned
                F(9) A(0)   Reset Module
                            This command is a logical or with Z*S2 and  power 
                            up clear.  A reset sets each channel to zero out-
                            put, sets each PS control line OFF, and sets pol-
                            arity outputs + (high).
                F(16) A(n)  Set D/A Value of DACn    n = 0 -> 3
                            R16         -         R4 | R3   -   R1
                            Sign <- D/A Value -> LSB        X
                            The D/A value is in 2's complement format.
                F(28) A(n)  Set PSn Control Line OFF   n = 0 -> 3
                F(30) A(n)  Set PSn Control Line ON    n = 0 -> 3
           4.0  CAMAC 052 MODULE - I/O ASSIGNMENTS
                A = R    B = L
                POS SIGNAL                       POS SIGNAL               
                --- -------------------------    --- ---------------
                 1L Common                        1R DAC3 Output
                 2L Common                        2R DAC2 Output
                 3L Common                        3R DAC1 Output
                 4L Common                        4R DAC0 Output
                 5L SB11                          5R SB12
                 6L Common SB10 SB11 SB12         6R SB10
                 7L SB8                           7R SB9
                 8L Common SB7 SB8 SB9            8R SB7
                 9L SB5                           9R SB6
                10L Common SB4 SB5 SB6           10R SB4
                11L SB2                          11R SB3
                12L Common SB1 SB2 SB3           12R SB1
                13L Common                       13R Common
                14L PS3 Polarity + = 1  - = 0    14R PS3 ON = 1
                15L PS2 Polarity + = 1  - = 0    15R PS2 ON = 1
                16L PS1 Polarity + = 1  - = 0    16R PS1 ON = 1
                17L PS0 Polarity + = 1  - = 0    17R PS0 ON = 1
                18L Common                       18R Common

           5.0  CAMAC 052 MODULE - FRONT PANEL
                The CAMAC 052 module has the following front panel features:
                N led:  Red, stretched
                PSn ON leds:  Green
                DACn Polarity leds:  Yellow, on when positive
                DACn Analog Views:  Lemo, 100 ohm series resistance
                Voltage Test Points:  -15v, +15v, +5v, COM
           6.0  POLARITY CONTROL
                The user has the choice of two different output drivers
           for  the  polarity  control.  The 75447 peripheral driver is
           normally installed on the 052 module in locations 14 and 15.
           This  driver is a good current sink and is suited to driving
           electromechanical relays.  An  internal  clamping  diode  is
           wired  to  +24  volts  for  each  output.   These diodes are
           normally shunted with an external 100,000 ohm resistor.  The
           second  option  is  accomplished by the removal of the 75447
           drivers and insertion of a 74128 gate at location  8.   This
           second  option provides a TTL/50 ohm compatible signal level
           that is a better current source than the 75447 drivers.
           7.0  OUTPUT CALIBRATION
                In calibrating the voltage outputs, the  offset  should
           first  be  adjusted  so  that each output is 0.000 volts for
           zero program value.  Each channel should then be  programmed
           to  plus  or minus full scale.  Gain should then be adjusted
           so that each output is +10.2375 volts.
           8.0  DOCUMENTATION
                0812-ED-35888   Schematic
                0812-BD-35889   Artwork
                0812-BD-35890   Master Drawing
                0812-BD-35891   Assembly Drawing
                0812-MC-35892   Front Panel Mechanical
                0812-MC-35893   Front Panel Silkscreen
           9.0  PAL DOCUMENTATION
                Directory:  DEVL::USR$DISK3:[DUCAR.PALS]
                Filenames: 05203A.DAT  First NAF Decoder                 82S153
                           05209A.DAT  Second NAF Decoder                82S153
                           052H.DAT    MSB DAC Data Manipulator (Qty 4)  82S153
                           052L.DAT    LSB DAC Data Manipulator (Qty 4)  82S153
           rjd:  DEVL::USR$DISK3:[DUCAR]CMC052.RNO

                      PALS DOCUMENTATION
PALS Directory



module 052h
title ' CAMAC 052                            2'S COMPLIMENT
 052H.DAT '
052h device 'f153';
I11, I10, I9, I8, I7   pin 1,2,3,4,5;
I6, DIR, C6IN, C9OUT  pin 6,7,8,9;
O6, O7, O8, O9, O10  pin 11,12,13,14,15;
O11, C12OUT, NC18, NC19  pin 16,17,18,19;
H,L,X,Z = 1,0,.X.,.Z.;
"Use standard PALASM operators
 O6=/DIR*C6IN*/I6 + DIR*/I6 + /DIR*/C6IN*I6 + C12OUT
 O7=/DIR*C6IN*I6*/I7 + DIR*/I7 + /DIR*/C6IN*I7 + /DIR*/I6*I7 
     + C12OUT
 O8=/DIR*C6IN*I6*I7*/I8 + DIR*/I8 + /DIR*/C6IN*I8 + /DIR*/I6*I8 
    + /DIR*/I7*I8 + C12OUT
 O9=/DIR*C6IN*I6*I7*I8*/I9 + DIR*/I9 + /DIR*/C6IN*I9 + /DIR*/I6*I9 +
    /DIR*/I7*I9 + /DIR*/I8*I9 + C12OUT
 O10=/DIR*C9OUT*/I10 + DIR*/I10 + /DIR*/C9OUT*I10 + C12OUT
 O11=/DIR*C9OUT*I10*/I11 + DIR*/I11 + /DIR*/C9OUT*I11 + /DIR*/I10*I11 + 
      This PAL provides 2'S compliment arithmetic for the
 Camac 052 module.  The PAL inverts the data if the DIR pin
 is high and if the DIR pin is low the PAL adds one to the 
 data on the input.  When DIR is low and all the inputs are 
 low then the outputs all go high.  This is the higher 6 bit
 PAL and uses a Carry In from the lower stage.
 The truth table for bit n:
           DIR  Cn-1  In ! On ! Cn
            0     0    0 !  0 !  0
            0     0    1 !  1 !  0
            0     1    1 !  0 !  1
            0     1    0 !  1 !  0  On=Cn-1*/In + DIR*/In + /DIR*/Cn-1*In
            1     0    0 !  1 !  0  Cn=/DIR*Cn-1*In
            1     0    1 !  0 !  0
            1     1    1 !  0 !  0
            1     1    0 !  1 !  0
end 052h
module 052low
title ' CAMAC 052                            2'S COMPLIMENT
 052LOW.DAT '
052low device 'f153';
I5, I4, I3, I2, I1   pin 1,2,3,4,5;
I0, DIR, C12IN, NC9  pin 6,7,8,9;
O0, O1, O2, O3, O4  pin 11,12,13,14,15;
O5, C6OUT, NC18, NC19  pin 16,17,18,19;
H,L,X,Z = 1,0,.X.,.Z.;
"Use standard PALASM operators
 O0=/I0 + C12IN
 O1=/DIR*I0*/I1 + DIR*/I1 + /DIR*/I0*I1 + C12IN
 O2=/DIR*I0*I1*/I2 + DIR*/I2 + /DIR*/I0*I2 + /DIR*/I1*I2 
    + C12IN
 O3=/DIR*I0*I1*I2*/I3 + DIR*/I3 + /DIR*/I0*I3 + /DIR*/I1*I3 +
    /DIR*/I2*I3 + C12IN
 O4=/DIR*I0*I1*I2*I3*/I4 + DIR*/I4 + /DIR*/I0*I4 + /DIR*/I1*I4 +
    /DIR*/I2*I4 + /DIR*/I3*I4 + C12IN
 O5=/DIR*I0*I1*I2*I3*I4*/I5 + DIR*/I5 + /DIR*/I0*I5 + /DIR*/I1*I5 +
    /DIR*/I2*I5 + /DIR*/I3*I5 + /DIR*/I4*I5 + C12IN
      This PAL provides 2'S compliment arithmetic for the
 Camac 052 module.  The PAL inverts the data if the DIR pin
 is high and if the DIR pin is low the PAL adds one to the 
 data on the input.  When DIR is low and all the inputs are 
 low then the outputs all go high.  This is the lower 6 bit
 PAL and provides a carry out to the higher 6 bit PAL
 The truth table for bit 0:
            DIR   I0 ! O0 ! C0
             0     0 !  1 !  0
             0     1 !  0 !  1    O0=/I0  C0=/DIR*I0
             1     1 !  0 !  0
             1     0 !  1 !  0
 The truth table for bit n:
           DIR  Cn-1  In ! On ! Cn
            0     0    0 !  0 !  0
            0     0    1 !  1 !  0
            0     1    1 !  0 !  1
            0     1    0 !  1 !  0  On=Cn-1*/In + DIR*/In + /DIR*/Cn-1*In
            1     0    0 !  1 !  0  Cn=/DIR*Cn-1*In
            1     0    1 !  0 !  0
            1     1    1 !  0 !  0
            1     1    0 !  1 !  0
end 052low

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