BSQ-Remote Devices Interface

CAMAC 202 Module

Beam Sync Qualifier Remote Devices Interface

T. Hendricks
February 10, 2000



The one-wide CAMAC 202 module described is the 1 st generation Kluge. This module is used to monitor the readiness of remote devices and facilitate inhibiting Beam Sync. Clock transfer events. The C202 provides a summation of 150 GeV, 120 GeV and 8 GeV permits to the companion C289 module. Each C202 can support two remote locations with up to six devices at each location (twelve channels). Multiple C202 modules may be serially connected as needed. All connections are via custom I/O assembly.

Each of the two remote locations is connected via a six pair cable. For each pair the module separately sources fused (1/2 amp) +24 volt DC (provided by the CAMAC crate). The remote device is required to return the +24 volt reference signal for a permit state, typically by rrrelay contact closure. The return signal is attenuated and clipped to 4.7 volt at the C202 input. The maximum external series DC resistance should not exceed 2K ohm total.

Channels can be forced true by CAMAC command and/or jumper blocks on the PC board. Normally the mutually exclusive jumpers are selected so that inputs connected to active devices can be forced true by CAMAC command. Normally the mutually exclusive jumpers are selected so that inputs connected to non-active devices are forced true by non-volatile hard connection. The forced true status is readable by CAMAC command.

The state of the twelve inputs can be read by CAMAC command. TCLK $ED (failed request) will latch the state of the inputs. The permit output status, latch status and the +24 volt source fuse status for each channel can be read by CAMAC command.

One unique PAL is programmed in a matrix to select which inputs are combined to generate the permit outputs to the following C202 or C289.

There are only two C202 modules. They are unique because of the 20211 PAL and selected jumper options. These modules are intended to be installed only in Main Injector crate $94 slots 18 and 19 as labeled on the modules.

As of 28 Oct 99 the C202 in slot 19 has only the following active devices assigned::

As of 28 Oct 99 the C202 in slot 18 has only the following active devices assigned.

All input/output connections are via custom rear viking connector cable assemblies.
See file //atlas/d:/doc/mi/bp_abort/bsclk 202 qualifier io.xls


Q and X are returned immediately for all valid codes.
This module never asserts LAM
F( 0) A(0)Read input enabled state
F( 1) A(0)Read forced true state
F( 1) A(1)Read general status
F( 2) A(0)Read input enabled state
F( 6) A(0)Read module identifier
F( 9) A(0)Reset module
F(19) A(0)Write forced true state
F(0) A(0)
Read input enabled state (including those forced true by jumper and/or F(19) A(0) command)
Does not reset the latch
F(1) A(0)
Read forced true state (including those forced true by jumper and/or F(19) A(0) command)
1=forced true
R16 channel 12 forced true
R15 channel 11 forced true
R14 channel 10 forced true
R13 channel 9 forced true
R12 channel 8 forced true
R11 channel 7 forced true
R10 channel 6 forced true
R9 channel 5 forced true
R8 channel 4 forced true
R7 channel 3 forced true
R6 channel 2 forced true
R5 channel 1 forced true
R4 8 GeV input forced true
R3 120 GeV input forced true
R2 150 GeV input forced true
R1 spare input forced true
F(1) A(1)
Read general status

For R16-R14, 1=permit out not true
For R13, 1=data is latched
For R12-R1, 1=fuse intact
R16 8 GeV permit out
R15 120 GeV permit out
R14 150 GeV permit out
R13 input enable states latched
R12 channel 12 fuse intact
R11 channel 11 fuse intact
R10 channel 10 fuse intact
R9 channel 9 fuse intact
R8 channel 8 fuse intact
R7 channel 7 fuse intact
R6 channel 6 fuse intact
R5 channel 5 fuse intact
R4 channel 4 fuse intact
R3 channel 3 fuse intact
R2 channel 2 fuse intact
R1 channel 1 fuse intact

F(2) A(0)
Read input enabled state (including those forced true by jumper and/or F(19) A(0) command)
Resets the latch
R16channel 12 enabled
R15 channel 11 enabled
R14 channel 10 enabled
R13 channel 9 enabled
R12 channel 8 enabled
R11 channel 7 enabled
R10 channel 6 enabled
R9 channel 5 enabled
R8 channel 4 enabled
R7 channel 3 enabled
R6 channel 2 enabled
R5 channel 1 enabled
R4 8 GeV input enabled
R3 120 GeV input enabled
R2 150 GeV input enabled
R1 spare input enabled
F(6) A(0)
Read Module Identifier

202 Decimal, $CA Hex

F(9) A(0)
Reset the forced true state set by the F(19) A(0) command. Reset the data latch.  (same as power up clear and Z*S2)
F(19) A(0)
Write forced true state
1=forced true
W16 channel 12 forced true
W15 channel 11 forced true
W14 channel 10 forced true
W13 channel 9 forced true
W12 channel 8 forced true
W11 channel 7 forced true
W10 channel 6 forced true
W9 channel 5 forced true
W8 channel 4 forced true
W7 channel 3 forced true
W6 channel 2 forced true
W5 channel 1 forced true
W4 8 GeV input forced true
W3 120 GeV input forced true
W2 150 GeV input forced true
W1 spare input forced true



36 Position Edge Connector (Viking)
1L Common 1R Common
2L 120 GeV Permit Out 2R decoded TCLK $ED In
3L 8 GeV Permit Out 3R 150 GeV Permit Out
4L 202 Qualifier 120 GeV Permit In 4R 202 Qualifier Spare Permit In
5L 202 Qualifier 8 GeV Permit In 5R 202 Qualifier 150 GeV Permit In
6L Channel 1 Fused +24V Out 6R Channel 1 +24V Return
7L Channel 2 Fused +24V Out 7R Channel 2 +24V Return
8L Channel 3 Fused +24V Out 8R Channel 3 +24V Return
9L Channel 4 Fused +24V Out 9R Channel 4 +24V Return
10L Channel 5 Fused +24V Out 10R Channel 5 +24V Return
11L Channel 6 Fused +24V Out 11R Channel 6 +24V Return
12L Channel 7 Fused +24V Out 12R Channel 7 +24V Return
13L Channel 8 Fused +24V Out 13R Channel 8 +24V Return
14L Channel 9 Fused +24V Out 14R Channel 9 +24V Return
15L Channel 10 Fused +24V Out 15R Channel 10 +24V Return
16L Channel 11 Fused +24V Out 16R Channel 11 +24V Return
17L Channel 12 Fused +24V Out 17R Channel 12 +24V Return
18L Not Used 18R Not Used



  1. "N" LED, red, stretched
  2. 150 GeV Permit LED, green
  3. 120 GeV Permit LED, green
  4. 8 GeV Permit LED, green
  5. Input Status Latched LED, red
  6. Output Fuse Open LED, red

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