C282 BSCLK Trigger Processor

Available Documentation



Note: Please see Ann Mason or Bob Ducar for more information.


	CAMAC 282 Module:  TVBS Pulse Processor     
	Location:  Tevatron $84 N13
	F(1) A(0):  Read Module Status
	            R16:  TCLK Present
	            R15:  TVBS Clock Present
	            R14:  0
	            R13:  0
	            R12:  MRBS $7A Flag (Reset by $7B)
	            R11:  Fixed Target Flag (Set by TCLK $49)
	            R10:  Collider Flag (Set By TCLK $C1)
	             R9:  Main Ring to Tevatron Transfer Permit
	                  (Tevatron at 150 GeV, 650 to 670 Amps)
	             R8:  Main Ring 2B Cycle
	             R7:  Proton Bunch A Cycle (Set by TCLK $15)
	             R6:  Proton Bunch B Cycle (Set by TCLK $19)
	             R5:  Proton Bunch C Cycle (Set by TCLK $1C)
	             R4:  Main Ring 2A Cycle
	             R3:  P-Bar Bunch X Cycle (Set by TCLK $91 or $9A)
	             R2:  P-Bar Bunch Y Cycle (Set by TCLK $9B)
	             R1:  P-Bar Bunch Z Cycle (Set by TCLK $9C)
	F(6) A(0):  Read Module Number
		    282 Decimal, 11A Hex
	F(7) A(0):  No-op Read
		    No data are returned.
	F(9) A(0):  Reset Module
	            Resets all process gates.  This command 
	            could be dangerous during certain
	            operational scenarios.
	Q and X are returned immediately for all valid codes.
	This module never asserts LAM.

                      PALS DOCUMENTATION
PALS Directory


module 28228b
title ' CAMAC 282                                  R. DUCAR
 2-5-91 '
28228b device 'f173';
_9A, _9B, _9C, _49, _2B, _2A  pin 1,2,3,4,5,6;
M7A, AA, BB, CC, Q3  pin 7,8,9,10,11;
Q4, Q1, Q2, TP, TR, T4   pin 13,14,15,16,17,18;
T3, T2, T1, RB, RC  pin 19,20,21,22,23;
H,L,X,Z = 1,0,.X.,.Z.;
"Use standard PALASM operators
 /RC = _2A*_2B*_9C                      ;"Not Used - 0
 /RB = _2A*_2B*_9C                      ;"Not Used - 0
 /T1 = Q1*TR*AA                      ;"Spare TVBS Channel
 /T2 = Q2*TR*_49*AA                   ;"TVBS $D7
 /T3 = Q3*TR*/_2A*/_2B*TP*AA           ;"Spare - Used to be TVBS $D8
 /T4 = Q4*TR*AA                      ;"APTVBS to PTVBS Sync
"DESCRIPTION:  This PAL provides final output logic functions
               for the CAMAC 282 module.
       280 Module            281 Module          282 Module
       ----------            ----------          ----------
       E1 - MRBS $7A         E1 - nc             E1 - nc
       E2 - MRBS $7B         E2 - MRBS $D8       E2 - TVBS $D7
       E3 - MRBS $7D         E3 - nc             E3 - nc
       E4 - MRBS $7E         E4 - MRBS $76       E4 - APTVBS to PTVBS Sync
       E5 - MRBS $77         E5 - nc             E5 - TVBS $D9
       E6 - MRBS $78         E6 - MRBS $79a      E6 - nc
       E7 - nc               E7 - MRBS $79b      E7 - nc
       E8 - MRBS $7C         E8 - MRBS $79c      E8 - nc
 5-12-88: RB and RC no longer needed.
 5-9-90:  Text change only.
 2-5-91:  Text change only.  
end 28228b
module 28229a
title ' CAMAC 282                                  R. DUCAR
 2-5-91 '
28229a device 'f173';
_49, _2B, _2A, NC4, _15, _19  pin 1,2,3,4,5,6;
_1C, AA, BB, CC, Q6  pin 7,8,9,10,11;
Q7, Q8, Q5, TR, T8, T7   pin 13,14,15,16,17,18;
T6, T5, TP, NC22, NC23  pin 19,20,21,22,23;
H,L,X,Z = 1,0,.X.,.Z.;
"Use standard PALASM operators
 /T5 = Q5*TR*AA                      ;"TVBS $D9
 /T6 = Q6*TR*AA                      ;"Spare TVBS Channel
 /T7 = Q7*TR*AA                      ;"Spare TVBS Channel
 /T8 = Q8*TR*AA                      ;"Spare TVBS Channel
"DESCRIPTION:  This PAL provides final output logic functions
               for the CAMAC 282 module.
       280 Module            281 Module          282 Module
       ----------            ----------          ----------
       E1 - MRBS $7A         E1 - nc             E1 - nc
       E2 - MRBS $7B         E2 - MRBS $D8       E2 - TVBS $D7
       E3 - MRBS $7D         E3 - nc             E3 - nc
       E4 - MRBS $7E         E4 - MRBS $76       E4 - APTVBS to PTVBS Sync
       E5 - MRBS $77         E5 - nc             E5 - TVBS $D9
       E6 - MRBS $78         E6 - MRBS $79a      E6 - nc
       E7 - nc               E7 - MRBS $79b      E7 - nc
       E8 - MRBS $7C         E8 - MRBS $79c      E8 - nc
 5-9-90: Text change only.
 2-5-91: Text change only.
end 28229a

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