EPICURE Design Note 125.2<P> Database Build History Report Application (DB_BLD_HIST)<P>

EPICURE Design Note 125.2

Database Build History Report Application (DB_BLD_HIST)

Joseph E. Cox


The Database Build History Report Application is a menu driven application which retrieves from the database user specified information concerning database builds. This information may be written to the screen, to a file, or both, and may be in either standard or extended format.

Selecting Options

DB_BLD_HIST is a menu driven program which can be used with or without a mouse. Selections can be made with a mouse by double clicking the leftmost mouse button on the desired option. Menubar selections may also be made by pressing DO and using the arrow keys, and then pressing Return on the desired option.

Menu Structure and Contents

Users of DB_BLD_HIST may choose several options to specify the information which they want to receive. Many of these options have a default setting to save the user time in making selections. The options which the user has selected are displayed on the screen for convenience.

The lower left corner shows the destination location of the output. The selected time frame is displayed at the lower left center of the screen. The lower right center contains the selected format of the search (standard or extended). The lower right corner of the screen displays the current Selections choice.


The Destination menu allows the user to specify the destination of the output. The information may be written to the screen, to a file, or to both the screen and a file. The default destination selection is to the screen.

If the user chooses to output to the screen, the program's output will first be written to a file called BLDSCREEN.TMP in the SYS$SCRATCH directory. This file will then be loaded into an editor for viewing. This allows the user to easily scroll through the output. This temporary file will be deleted automatically when the editor is exited.

If the user chooses to output to a file, a menu will appear prompting the user to select a directory. The user may choose from SYS$LOGIN, SYS$SCRATCH, and the default directory. The user may then enter a file name to be used for the output file, or may simply press Return to accept the default file name DB_BLD_HIST.LOG. It should be noted that all files with the .LOG extension will be purged by the MAD_DELETER every four days. If the user wishes to output the data to a directory which is not on the directory menu, this may be done by selecting Default from the menu and entering the directory name as part of the file name.

Time Frame

The Time Frame menu consists of several time frames from which the user can choose. This option lets the user specify how far into the past the program is to search. Time frame options are: Today; Within the last month; Within the last three months; Entire history; Specific day, month, year; Specific month, year; Specific year; Since date; Before date. If no option is selected, the selection is defaulted to today. If a specific date is chosen, the user is prompted to enter a day, month and/or year, depending on the choice which was made. If Since date or Before date are selected, the program will search for builds since or before the date entered. If an invalid date is entered, the user will be notified and will have to enter the selection again.


The Format menu allows the user to choose between standard output and extended output. If standard output is chosen, the program will output five fields: build type, elapsed time, user, node, and final status. If extended output is chosen, the program will also output the date and time at which the build took place. If the user does not specify a format, the default is set to standard.


The Selections option allows the user to search according to username or build type. If Build type is selected, a menu will appear from which the user can select the type of builds (OA or LAL) to be searched for. Only builds of the chosen type will be displayed. If Username is selected, the user will be prompted to enter a username, and only builds performed by this username will be displayed. If All is selected, all of the builds of both types and by all users for the selected time frame will be displayed. The default selection is All.


The Run option starts the execution of the search. This option should be selected last, after the user's choices for all of the other options have been specified.

User Stats

The User Stats option searches the database and gathers statistics about the users who have requested builds. The user's choices for Time Frame, Format, and Selections do not apply to this type of search. However, the user may specify the Destination of the output.

When User Stats is selected, the program will search the entire database and output each username along with the number of builds of each type which the user requested. The program will also output the total number of usernames found in the database.

Daily Stats

The Daily Stats option gathers statistics about each build date found in the database. The user's choices for Time Frame, Format, and Selections do not apply to this type of search. However, the user may specify the Destination of the output.

When Daily Stats is selected, the program will search the entire database and output each date on which one or more builds were requested, along with the number of builds of each type which were requested on that date. The program will also output the total number of builds of each type found in the database.


The PRINT menu option allows the user to print the information on the screen with the specified printer. When this option is selected, a list of all available printers is shown, from which the user can select.


The EXIT menu option allows the user to terminate the program. When the user exits DB_BLD_HIST, the screen will return to its original width, and the user will be back in the general menu.


The user has a choice of outputting the information to a file, to the screen, or both. The output will consist of a title and a heading line, followed by the report data. The heading line will consist of the labels of each column. At the bottom of the report, the program will output the total number of records in the database, the total number of records of each build type, the percentage of each build type, the number of records found which match the user's chosen criteria, and the percentage of matching records.

If the data is to be output to the screen, the output will be stored in a temporary file and loaded into an editor. This will allow the user to easily scroll through the information. The heading line will appear at the top of each page of information.

Keywords: EDDS

Distribution: Normal

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