Research Division EED/Controls Software<P> Crates And Slots Toolkit<P> Release Note 107.1<P>

Research Division EED/Controls Software

Crates And Slots Toolkit

Release Note 107.1

Cynthia A. Chopp

General Description

The Crates and Slots Toolkit is a part of the General Menu. One may access it by typing ``menu'' after logging into one's account, and then by choosing the eightieth selection, ``Crates & Slots Toolkit.'' It supports both the mouse and keyboard input, and can be run on a terminal as well as on a workstation.

The Crates and Slots Toolkit is a menu-driven program that has two main options -- Matrix Map and Module. The first option, Matrix Map, allows the user to view the status of all crates, or view crates that only contain bad status. The second option, Module, allows the user to view the temperature, volts, status, type of modules, serial numbers, and version numbers of an individual crate, as well as the devices that are associated with it. These options are selected from a chosen beamline; valid choices given are M0, N0, P0, and E0.

The Menu Bar

The menu bar contains five items that give the user access to specific functions of the Crates and Slots Toolkit application.

- Displays a pulldown menu, allowing the user to choose a beamline and/or a frontend. Also, the experimental beamline BUGS/E0 is an available choice.

Matrix Map
- Displays a pulldown menu with choices of a Matrix or Bad Crates. The Matrix option allows the user to view a map of the status of all crates in a particular beamline. The Bad Crates option allows users to view any bad crates in the area chosen. Both are continually updated every two seconds.

- Displays a diagram of all modules in a particular crate of the beamline already chosen. It monitors the crate's temperature and voltage, and updates it every two seconds. A screen listing those devices associated with a chosen slot of the particular crate and beamline can also be viewed in this option.

- Lists the print queues available and routes a copy of the screen to the chosen queue.

- Exits the program and returns the user to the calling environment. CTRL_Z and F-10 will do the same.

Please note that a source class, or beamline must be chosen before being allowed to choose a menu option. If a menu option is chosen before a source class is picked, the program will force the user to choose one, before continuing into other menu options.

If a user wants to view another crate (like in the Module menu option), or they want to view a different beamline, they must choose the menu option of their choice and redo their selections. Help messages will appear to guide the user through.

At any time, a user may exit by using the mouse and selecting the exit menu option, pressing the F-10 function key, or typing CTRL_Z. A sanity check asking the user if they are sure they want to exit, will appear, if a F-10 or CTRL_Z is pressed. By hitting the carriage return, the user will stay in the program. By deleting the ``N,'' typing a ``Y,'' and hitting the carriage return the user will exit. This feature is for those users who inadvertently press CTRL_Z.


The Area/Source option (see figure 1) contains beamlines or sources to choose from, of where the user wants to get their data. The newest edition to this menu, is the experimental area BUGS/E0. This will hopefully help in testing purposes.

Matrix Map

The Matrix Map option consists of two selections, Matrix, and Bad Crates. Matrix displays the status of all the crates for a specified area using a matrix-type display. Bad Crates, on the other hand shows only the number of any bad crate and its status message (other than good). Both update their status screen every two seconds, giving a real time view of the crates.


The Matrix screen (see figure 2) displays each crates status that is found in the specified area chosen. The following single character status will be displayed:

- Indicates a crate with a parity error
- Indicates a crate which is offline
- Indicates a crate which has a link timeout
- Indicates a crate with good status and old controller
- Indicates a crate with good status and new controller
- Indicates an undefined crate
- Indicates an invalid crate is responding

All crate's status bits will be checked in the order shown above. The current beamline and frontend are displayed at the top of the screen, and the list of status messages is displayed on the right-hand side of the matrix-map.

Bad Crates

The Bad Crates screen, (see figure 3) consists of a blank screen, until a bad crate is detected, with the beamline and total number of crates found bad, across the bottom. When a bad crate is found, its number and status message of error is shown. The following shows a list of status messages and their definitions:

- Indicates a crate with a parity error.
- Indicates a crate which is offline.
- Indicates a crate which has a link timeout.
- Indicates an invalid crate is responding.
- Indicates an unknown error.

The bad crates will be displayed in a downward or column viewing form. The screen will be allowed to accept 114 crates in error. If more than 114 crates appear, a message of `` *** problem *** '' will appear in the middle of the screen, and the message containing the number of crates in error will be *******. Every two seconds the screen will be cleared and the bad crates will be updated, giving the user real time viewing of crates.


The Module Display screen (see figure 4) represents a specified CAMAC crate with the twenty-four crate slots displaying the module type, or error status, the version number, and serial number where applicable. Once the Module option is chosen, the user will be prompted to choose a crate in the specified area already picked. After the crate is input, the table of slots will be filled, including the status OK or LAM, the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, and +/-6 volts, when defined, for the chosen crate.

When either status, temperature, or +/-6 volts returns bad status, a short system message is displayed in the appropriate spot, explaining what went wrong (example : temperature and +/-6 voltages are database devices which may not be defined for a particular crate. ``%NODEVICE'' is displayed if a device was not defined for this crate.) In addition, if there is a CAMAC error or a system error, a system message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

If the error status returned by F6A0 is good for the slots outputting, the module type will be displayed in the TYPE slot area. If, however, a bad status is returned, the TYPE slot will display an error status as follows:

- Indicates a parity error, possibly caused by a repeater module being bad, causing the crate to receive garbled data.
- Indicates crate being addressed is offline.
- Indicates a link timeout, caused by accessing a crate that does not exist, or the power may be off, or the link driver chassis cables may be unplugged.
- Indicates the camac module is not acknowledging receipt of the function code.
- Indicates the camac module failed response to the function code.

Please note, that for devices that do not return X and have data greater than zero, their module type will be displayed instead of the error. Also, if their data is equal to zero their status message will be blank. This is a special case due to certain modules not responding to NO-X properly.

Some other notes of interest include the handling of overflow. When the version or the serial number returns a good status, but is too big (99999 is a maximum value for version; 9999 is maximum value for serial number), a series of ``*'''s will be displayed in the appropriate slots, to indicate overflow.

The actual module diagram requests one-shot data, and therefore is not updated. Only the status, temperature, and +/-6 voltages are automatically updated every five seconds.

Device Viewing

A new feature used with the Module option is a device search. A user may now get a listing of devices associated with a particular slot, crate, and area chosen. To access this feature, double click on a column between the slot lines, or use the arrow keys by moving to a specific slot and press the carriage return. Since an area, or source and crate was already chosen, the program has all the requested information to search the database and find all devices that have those characteristics. Once a user chooses a slot, the program will clear the screen, put a bar across the bottom showing what the user chose, and put a message at the bottom stating the state of the search (see figures 5,6,7).

The first time a search is run, by anyone, it may take up to two minutes to complete, due to establishing a cache. Once this is done however, anyone using this searching option will have return time of five to fifteen seconds. Once a search is completed, the user may print the screen to a printer, exit the program, or exit back to module display from which they came. If the latter is the case, they may search again on another slot if they choose.


This program is designed to help users in their ability to monitor crates, track down crate problems, and view their results (fixes) as soon as they are made. It is also helpful in viewing specific crates as to what their contents (slots) contain, checking version numbers and serial numbers to make sure they are up to date, and viewing what devices belong to specific source, crate, and slots. The user can then at any time print out the screen giving themselves proof (verification) of what is out in the field. These features may be useful when needing listings of devices, bad crates, a map matrix of all the crates, or a module display of a specific crate, when tracking down problems. As one can see, the nature and usefulness of this program is unlimited.

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