Research Division EED/Controls Software<P> Release Note 152.0<P> The Collection and Logging of Device Data

Research Division EED/Controls Software

Release Note 152.0

The Collection and Logging of Device Data

Robert E. West

Septermber 21, 1995


The EPICURE Data Logging System consists of three parts:

  1. Specification of the devices from which data is to be collected

  2. Collection of the specified data and writing of the data to disk

  3. Extraction and plotting of the recorded data

This document describes the second part, the EPICURE data logging utility for collecting and recording of the data.


Network Interface

When the data collection process starts, it declares itself to be a network object so that it may receive commands over the network from other processes. This interface is used by the data logging editor process to restart a data acquisition list after a user has made modifications to the devices on the list. The command RESTART followed by a list number from 1 to 6 tells the collection process to read the specified list's file of device names and then rebuild the data acquisition list. Other network commands exist for system and diagnostic purposes.

In addition to writing to disk the data it has collected, the collection process may receive data records over the network from other collection processes and then write these records into its file of collected data. In most cases, if the process is functioning as a file server, it probably would not also be collecting data. Both functions may be performed by the same process, but the workloads must be balanced to avoid losing data.

Data Acquisition

The data collection process of the EPICURE logging system is configured to execute six data acquisition lists each having a maximum of 180 devices. If the reading, setting, and status properties of each device are to be logged, a maximum of 540 items may be on a single list. Tuning parameters may be used to further limit the number of items allowed on each list. These limit parameters, along with other control parameters, are read from a file on disk. The times and/or rates at which the data acquisition lists collect data are also specified by control parameters read from disk.

The device names and properties to be read by a data acquisition list are contained in a text file on disk. There a six of these device files, one for each of the six possible data acquisition lists. When the data collection process starts, it reads each of these files and creates the corresponding data acquisition lists. The data logging editor process is used to modify the contents of these device files and then to tell the data collection process to read the new file and rebuild the corresponding data acquisition list.

A memory buffer is allocated for the data collected for each item on a data acquisition list. A memory buffer contains 120 data points. A data point consists of the timestamp of the device access and the data value converted to engineering units in floating point format. When the buffer is full, it is queued to be written to disk and another buffer is allocated.

If the time between reads of a device is once a minute, the buffer is written to disk after two hours. The longer the time between the device reads, the longer it takes for the buffer to fill and the more data that would be lost if the system crashed. The buffer may be flushed to disk after the insertion of a specific number of data points. Because the data acquisition lists may be executed at different rates, each list has its own flush count parameter.

The data collection process fills a device buffer with the data as it is read. This operation takes place at the AST interrupt level of processing. When the buffer is full, it is queued to be written to disk at the base level of processing. If the buffers can't be written to disk fast enough relative to the rate at which data is being read, then eventually the process is going to run out of data buffers. When this occurs, the interrupt processing of data input is disabled until an adequate number of buffers have been output to disk and are then available for new data. The result of this overload is a `hole' in the logged data of all the devices, i.e., a period of time during which no data has been collected and recorded.

Output to Disk

The EPICURE data logging system is designed to provide circular logging. The duration of a data acquisition list's data is how long before old data is overwritten with new data. This time period is a function of (1) the rate at which data is collected by the list, (2) how many items are being read by the list, and (3) how many disk records the list is allowed to have.

The data collected from all six data acquisition lists is written into the same disk file. This file is organized as an indexed sequential file with two keys. The alternate key is the device name followed by the first timestamp in the buffer. The alternate key may have one or more duplicates and changes each time a particular record in the file is overwritten with a full buffer of new data.

The primary key is the number of the data acquisition list (1 to 6) followed by the record number for this list. The record number starts with 1 and increments until it is greater than the maximum allowed for the particular list, at which time it is reset to 1. Control parameters specify the maximum number of records for each list. The primary key is unique. Once a particular record is written to the logging file, its primary key never changes.

The purpose of the primary key is to quickly locate and then overwrite an earlier data record. Outputting a device buffer to disk consists of finding the record having the primary key contained in the buffer and then updating that record with the new data.

When the data collection starts execution, it reads a disk file to determine where records were last written into the file of collected data. This is done so that new data will be written at the correct position in the file, overwriting the oldest data collected by each list. The process periodically updates this file with the reference number of the record last written for each data acquisition list.


A data buffer contains 120 points. The time required to fill the buffer is 120 multiplied by the time between the acquisition of each data point. An RMS record consists of a single buffer. If there are N items in a data acquisition which is being executed every S seconds, then N records must be output to disk every (120 * S) seconds, Otherwise, some collected data will not be written to the disk file. A maximum of six data acquisition lists may be executed, so the total number of records output per second is specified by the following:

If each list contains the same maximum number N, then this expression of the number of records output per second may be simplified to the following:

The number of seconds to output a single record is specified by the following:

Writing a record to the file requires two RMS accesses, a FIND and then an UPDATE. The number of seconds per RMS access is expressed by the following:

If the execution rates for the six lists are one second through six seconds and each list contains 360 items, then each RMS access must be completed within 68 milliseconds.

The data collection process calculates various measurements of its performance. One of these statistics is the average time required for an RMS access to the file. This time is dependent upon the speed of the VAX CPU, the physical amount of memory, and the amount of other activity on the system. An average RMS access time of as low as 50 milliseconds has been observed.

Writing a record to the file requires a FIND operation and then an UPDATE operation. If the RMS access time is 50 milliseconds, then the minimum time required to write a record is 100 milliseconds. If no intermediate flushing of buffers is being done, 10 records containing 120 data points each, or a total of 1200 data points, can be output to disk each second. If the reading of all the requested properties of all the devices on all six of the collection process's data acquisition lists is less than or equal to 1200 data points per second, the data collection process probably will be able to write to disk all the collected data. Counts higher than 1200 may result in some collected data occasionally not being recorded.

Input Files

Execution Parameters

The logical name DLG_PARAMS_`node' specifies the file containing the specifications of (1) the file into which the collected data is to be written and (2) the various data acquisition lists which are to be executed. `Node' is the name of the VAX node on which the data collection process is executing. It is anticipated that only a single data collection processes will execute on any one node. However, multiple collection processes are possible if all the necessary logical names are correctly defined.

The parameter file is an ASCII text file which is read when the data collection process starts its execution. A network input may be given to the collection process to read this file anytime after the initial read. However, this would only be necessary if a new version of the file was created using a text editor. Each of the six data acquisition lists has its own set of parameters. The format is the list number (1 to 6) followed by the parameter name followed by the parameter value or values. The file contains the following information for each data acquisition list:

The text file may also contain the following optional parameters:

Current Record Numbers

The file of collected data is considered to consist of six sections, one for each of the six data acquisition lists. Each record has a key which specifies the number of the list and a record number for this list. The data collection process periodically writes to disk the current record number for each data acquisition list. The logical name DLG_BLOCKS_`node' specifies the file containing the current record numbers. The format of the file is binary with only the first six words of the file being used.

Device Names and Properties

The logical name DLG_LIST`n'_`node' specifies a file containing the device names and properties which are to be read. `N' is the number of the corresponding data acquisition list (1 to 6) and `Node' is the name of the VAX node on which the collection process is executing. A device file is an ASCII file which is created and modified by the data logging editing process. A record in one of these files consists of the name of the device followed by a character fields for each of the reading, setting, and status properties as read from left to right. A period in one of these character fields indicates the property does not exist. An underscore indicates the property exists but is not to be logged. An asterisk indicates the property is to be logged. Any additional information a record may contain is not used by the collection process.

Output Files

The two primary data acquisition output files contain (1) the collected data and (2) the current record numbers. The logical name DLG_COLLECTED_`node' specifies the file containing the data read by the data collection process, where `node' is the name of the VAX node on which the process is executing. The logical name DLG_BLOCKS_`node' specifies the file into which the current record numbers of all the data acquisition lists are periodically written.

Each time the collection process restarts a data acquisition list, it writes a text file whose name has the format DLG_LIST`n'_`node'.LST, where `n' is the number of the list and `node' is the name of the VAX node on which the process is executing. A record in this file contains the name of the device, an indication of the property, the name of the node, the number of the list, the number of the item in the list, and the time at which the list was restarted. The property is indicated by a T for status, an E for setting, and a blank for reading. This same information along with the FTD of the list is appended to the end of a history file maintained by the collection process. The format of the name of the history file is `node'.HIS.

General diagnostic information is written to a file whose name has the format LOGGING_`node'.OUT. Severe error messages are output to a file whose name has the format LOGGING_`node'.ERR.

Logical Names

Network Command Input

As part of its initialization, the data logging collection process declares itself to be a network object so that it may receive commands over the network. The command most commonly received is RESTART of a specific data acquisition list. This command is sent by the data logging editing process upon request of the user after having modified the devices to be read by the data acquisition list. Other commands exist but are for system and diagnostic use.

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