CAMAC 379 -- Timer Module

                                  A. Franck

                                June 6, 2000

   General Description:

        The CAMAC 379 MODULE provides eight timing channels.  Each channel
   is composed of a 32 bit counter which is normally clocked by a 7.5 MHz
   signal derived from the Beam Synch clock.  Timing cycles are normally
   triggered by events encoded on the Beam Synch clock.  Each channel may be
   programmed independently with respect to delay and clock events.

        The programmable channel delay may range from a minimum of 2 clock
   ticks to a max of FFFFFFFF clock ticks (approx. 1.6 Hrs.).  One clock
   tick is 1.33 microseconds.

        The clock events to be used as triggers are selectable and may
   include any of the possible 256 events.  A maximum of fifteen events are
   allowed per channel.  A RAM is used on the module as the storage medium
   for events.

        Two modes are available for writing delays.  The normal mode will
   load the channel whenever written except when the channel is busy
   counting.  The sync mode will load the channel only on a busy to
   non-busy transition.  This mode may delay the loading of the channel,
   but minimizes the probability of missing a trigger event during the
   loading process.  Delays may be written using either mode, but any given
   setting must be written in a low-high word order and using the same mode
   to be recognized as valid.

        Neither mode will interrupt a busy channel to load a new delay.  In
   the case that a channel is holding a value to be loaded, a pending bit
   is set in the channel's readable status word.

        Two delay values may be read back per channel; a last written value
   and a running value.  The two values will be the same unless the pending
   bit is set.  In the case of multiple setting writes during a pending
   state, the last setting written will be used.

        The eight channels may be enabled or inhibited seperately or as a
   group.  The channel's status word contains an enable/inhibit status bit.
   However, with the exception of the initial enable command, the
   enable/inhibit commands are not normally used in this module.  Since the
   module will internally inhibit and enable channels for new settings,
   they need not be executed by the front end (for purposes of new
   settings).  This decreases front end burden and allows the externally
   written inhibit command to be used as a panic button to stop a channel
   even if it is busy.  Enabling a previously inhibited, loaded channel
   will cause the channel to be reloaded and to wait for a trigger.

        Provisions are made for an external clock and an external reset.
   These are to be used together as an alternative to the Beam Synch Clock.
   If the external clock frequency is less than 7.5 MHz, the delay time must
   be scaled accordingly.  A jumper header is provided to allow selected
   channels to respond to the external reset signal.  Either an external
   reset or a Beam Synch event may be used for a channel trigger but they may
   not be OR'ed.

        Module LAM is generated only upon absence of clock signal, either
   Beam Synch or external.  LAM (clock) status is readable by means of each
   channel's status word.

        This module is provided with a battery backed RAM which allows the
   return of operation after a power down.  After power up, battery backed
   data is tested for validity and, if valid, is used to load counters, set
   event triggers, and enable channels as they were configured prior to
   power down.  Pending settings are not preserved on power down.

        The eight outputs each provide a positive 3 volt 1usec pulse upon
   timeout.  Each has a series output diode to make possible external
   OR'ing of channels.  If external OR'ing is necessary, care should be
   taken to keep the output cables as short as possible because long runs
   can produce transmission line mismatch effects.


                Notes:  A(n)---- 0 >   F(0) A(n)* --- Read channel counter value -- low word,
                       running value

                 R16                                          R1
                ! C15            Low Counter Value           C0 !

   >>   F(1) A(n)* --- Read channel counter value -- high word,
                       running value

                 R16                                          R1
                ! C31           High Counter Value          C16 !

                The running values are values actually loaded
                into the counters.

   >>   F(2) A(n)* --- Read channel counter value -- low word,
                          last written value

                 R16                                          R1
                ! C15            Low Counter Value           C0 !

   >>   F(3) A(n)* --- Read channel counter value -- high word,
                       last written value

                 R16                                          R1
                ! C31           High Counter Value          C16 !

                The last written values may different from the
                running values if a setting is pending due to
                a busy condition.

   >>   F(4) A(n) --- Read events auto increment

                 R16                 R9  R8                   R1
        word 1  !      Event  1         !     Event Count       !
                MSB                 LSB   MSB                LSB
        word 2  !      Event  3         !      Event  2         !
          "                             "
          "                             "
          "                             "
          "                             "
        word 8  !      Event  15        !      Event  14        !

                This command will return two bytes per read. The pointer
        will be initialized by any opcode. Q will be delayed on the first
        read only. Thereafter, X and Q are returned immediately along with

                If more than fifteen events are written to a channel, they
        will not be stored. Also if reads beyond the event count are
        executed, the last byte read will be repeated.

   >>   F(5) A(0)* --- Read software version number

   >>   F(6) A(0)* --- Read module number

                 R16                                          R1
                !                 017BH (379D)                  !

   >>   F(7) A(n)* --- Read channel status

                 R16                      R5  R4   R3   R2   R1
                ! ------------0------------ ! S3 ! S2 ! S1 ! S0 !

                        S0 -  = 1 if channel is enabled
                        S1 -  = 1 if clock present (LAM)
                        S2 -  = 1 if a setting is pending
                        S3 -  = 1 if a synchronized load is
                                  in progress and the channel
                                  is in the non-busy phase
                  S4 - S15 -  = 0 not used

   >>   F(9) A(0) --- Reset module

                - Performs reset as does Z*S2 and power up clear.

                - Does a RAM and Battery Backed Data validation. 

                - Inititializes all non-BBRAM and all counters to 00.

                - Re-establishes previous enable conditions, trigger
                  events, and counter settings. 

                This operation should be allowed 1 second to complete.

   >>   F(9) A(1) --- This is an F(9) A(0) reset with battery-backed
                      RAM initialization.

                 - Leaves all channels inhibited and all counter
                   values set to 0.

   >>   F(16) A(n) --- Write channel counter value - low word, normal mode

                 W16                                          W1
                ! C15  --------- Low Counter Value --------- C0 !
                MSB                                           LSB

   >>   F(17) A(n) --- Write channel counter value - high word, normal mode

                 W16                                          W1
                ! C31  -------- High Counter Value -------- C16 !

                The normal mode load is performed when the channel
                is not busy.    

   >>   F(20) A(n) --- Write channel counter value - low word, sync mode

                 W16                                          W1
                ! C15 ---------- Low Counter Value --------- C0 !

   >>   F(21) A(n) --- Write channel counter value - high word, sync mode

                 W16                                          W1
                ! C31 --------- High Counter Value -------- C16 !

                The sync mode loads the channel only on a busy to non-busy

        **Note: The module will accept any value from 00000000 to
                FFFFFFFF as a counter value.

                It should be noted that the minimum delay the module
                can produce is 2 clock ticks. Therefore, writing
                0 or 1 as a delay will yield a delay of 2 clock ticks
		(1 clock tick = 1.33 microseconds).

   >>   F(18) A(n) --- Write event number and control byte

         W16                           W10   W9   W8                  W1
        ! -------- Not Used --------- ! N1 ! N0 ! E7 - Event Number - E0 ! 
                                       ---------  -----------------------
                                        Control        Event Number      

                        N0 -  = 0  add event
                              = 1  delete event
                        N1 -  = 1  delete all events
                   N2 - N7 -  = 0 Not used

                The event number may range from 00 to FF and once written
                to a specified channel, will trigger that channel upon
                receiving the event via the Beam Synch clock. Fifteen events
                may be written. If greater than fifteen are written, the 
                excess will be ignored. Also repeat writing of an event
                will not result in duplicate entries.  

   >>   F(24) A(n) --- Inhibit selected channel

   >>   F(26) A(n) --- Enable Selected channel

   >>   F(28) A(0) --- Inhibit all channels

   >>   F(30) A(0) --- Enable all channels

                Note: - Inhibit / Enable status is read by
                        status read F(7) A(n).
                      - A channel will reload if inhibited and enabled.

                        CAMAC 379 MODULE OPCODE SUMMARY 

        F(0) A(n) -- Read channel counter value - low word, running 

        F(1) A(n) -- Read channel counter value - high word, running

        F(2) A(n) -- Read channel counter value - low word, last written

        F(3) A(n) -- Read channel counter value - high word, last written

        F(4) A(n) -- Read event, auto increment

        F(5) A(0) -- Read software version number

        F(6) A(0) -- Read module number

        F(7) A(n) -- Read channel status

        F(9) A(0) -- Reset module, restore settings

        F(9) A(1) -- Reset module, including BBRAM, clear settings

        F(16) A(n) -- Write channel counter value - low word, normal mode

        F(17) A(n) -- Write channel counter value - high word, normal mode

        F(18) A(n) -- Write event number and control byte

        F(20) A(n) -- Write channel counter value - low word, sync mode

        F(21) A(n) -- Write channel counter value - high word, sync mode

        F(24) A(n) -- Inhibit selected channel

        F(26) A(n) -- Enable selected channel

        F(28) A(0) -- Inhibit all channels

        F(30) A(0) -- Enable all channels

                                        0 =or< n 

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