Accelerator Controls Customizations for Windows Users Release Notes for V2.3.32 (05-Nov-2024) (Pushed to AD users) - StartXApp: Adjust mwm icon boxes for MCR (3 curved monitors) and MCRCC. - Mwm config: Adjust mwm icon boxes for MCR 3840X4800 (3 curved monitors). - Mwm config: Adjust mwm icon boxes for MCRCC 5120X1440 (crew chief). o Controls_Proxy: Fix bug causing startup hang. - Installer: Update TightVNC viewer to V2.8.85. Release Notes for V2.3.31 (07-Jun-2024) (Pushed out to most AD users) - Misc_Functs: Fix support for using MIT Kerberos 4.1 - Misc_Functs: Fix problem determining -acnticket principal - Misc_Functs: Fix problem with double New Ticket dialog. - Controls_Proxy: Fix bug. Terminate proxy on exit. - Controls_Proxy: Make sure GSSAPI Key exchange is disabled. - Customization_info: Fix Add Safety items. - Installer: Move MIT\Kerberos\bin to start of system PATH (logon needed to take effect) kinit, klist, etc will use MIT Kerberos versions instead of java versions. - Installer: Allow MIT Kerberos for Windows 4.1 - Installer: Install PuTTY files in 64-bit KfW directory. Release Notes for V2.3.30 (23-Apr-2024) (Pushed out to most AD users) o PuTTY: Update to version V0.81. ECDSA signature security fix. - StartXApp: xpra_attach: Kill previous subprocesses - Installer: Add --opengl=no to PIP2IT Xpra shortcuts - Acnet_ticket: Fix bug. Release Notes for V2.3.29 (07-Mar-2024) (Pushed out to most AD users) o StartXApp: Fixes for xpra_attach 100% o Xgoto_URL: Fix problem playing sounds - Xgoto_URL: Remove 'javaws:' support o PuTTY: Update to version V0.78 with SSH jump proxy. o Putty: Change keepalive interval from 5 to 1 minute. - PuTTY: include pterm.exe, PuTTY wrapped CMD window. - PuTTY: Disable compression in Default Settings and via_nc_proxy. Enabled in z_launch_on_gateway, via_controls_proxy. - WinSCP: Add user@clx22 example saved session. - Kerberos: Prohibit use of "BD-CAP-" tickets. - Controls Proxy: Enable keepalive packets. Use PuTTY instead of plink. Release Notes for V2.3.26 (20-Oct-2021) (Pushed out to most AD users) - StartXApp: Better handling of XWin start problems. Retry after failure. - StartXApp: Improved diagnostics. - StartXApp: Turn off compression for VNC/RDP tunnels. - StartXApp: New 'stop_xwin' command to kill XWin and local apps. - StartXApp: Nudge Exceed users to Cygwin-X - StartXApp: New 'xgoto_url' command to restart crashed Xgoto_URL. - Xgoto_URL: Attempt to restart after an XIO crash. - Xgoto_URL: Fix bug in WM functions. - Installer: Improved Cygwin-X "Stop XWin". - make_cookie: Establish ssh-ed25519 ssh host key for - make_cookie: Enable compression in Winscp example sessions. Release Notes for V2.3.25 (06-Aug-2021) (Pushed out to most AD users) - Installer: Fix bug deleting "Acnet" menu. - Installer: Use direct ssh and X forwarding for Safety apps on public consoles. - Installer: Preserve Safety system shortcuts. - Customization_info: Remove VNC checkbox in update dialog. - StartXApp: Longer VNC tunnel timeout. Release Notes for V2.3.24 (04-Aug-2021) - StartXApp: Fix bug introduced in previous version. Release Notes for V2.3.23 (29-Jul-2021) - Installer: Change Start "Acnet" menu to "Accelerator Controls" o StartXApp: Fix bug counting X connections. o StartXApp: Fix VNC bug with DUEnn Java engines - PuTTY: Set PortNumber=22, Protocol=ssh in Default Settings Fixes pscp Network error: Cannot assign requested address - PuTTY: Update to version 0.76 - Kerberos: Update krb5.ini file to V5.6. - Installer: Remove public "Restart mwm" shortcut. - Installer: Remove nova PuTTY, nova Xterm from Accelerator Controls menu - make_cookie: Don't install nova Winscp example. - StartXApp: Use tunnel2 if user@ specified in Controls VNC Viewer... - Xgoto_URL: Add %temp%\Xgoto_URL.txt log file to help diagnose crashes. - Installer: Fix Cygwin-X->Stop XWin - StartXapp: Fixes for problems starting the Cygwin-X server. - StartXApp: Better error message if user doesn't have outland account. - StartXApp: Use direct ssh connection for public consoles in Controls net - StartXApp: "[ ] Use cnsNNpc ticket" checkbox in cnspc Controls PuTTY... Release Notes for V2.3.22 (24-Aug-2020) (Pushed out to most AD users) - Installer: New "Controls VNC Viewer...", replaces other VNC items. - Installer: Remove support for "-vnc" option. - Installer: Add "View-only VNC Server" for public PC's with TightVNC server. - VNC: Update TightVNC viewer to 64-bit V2.8.27 tvnviewer.exe - StartXApp: For -vnc tunnel 5900: If Java Engine host, use tunnel2, user=console, 5901. - View-only_VNC: Add script (for cnspc's with TightVNC server). Release Notes for V2.3.21 (03-Aug-2020) - StartXApp: Increase timeout for establishing 2nd ssh tunnel. - StartXApp: -multiscreen option for Cygwin-X local mwm (for MCR). - StartXApp: Specify "-silent-dup-error" when starting Cygwin-X. - StartXApp: Restart Cygwin-X if no X clients are connected. Prevents problems when screen size changed/changed back. - StartXApp: Look harder for UltraVNC Viewer o StartXApp: Fix Cygwin-X font path to work around EPICS EDM problem. o ElogCapture.au3: bug fix for 64-bit Cygwin-X + mwm. o Controls_Proxy: Fix to work with plink >= v0.72 o StartXApp: Use existing MSLSA FERMI.WIN.FNAL.GOV ticket for clx,safety,vnc o PuTTY: Set default PingInterval (keepalives) to 5 min. - PuTTY: Update to version 0.74 - PuTTY: Use plink full path for "via_nc_proxy" example saved session. - Kerberos for Windows: Update krb5.ini file to v5_5, AD KDC's first in list. - StartXApp: Offer to use existing MSLSA FERMI.WIN.FNAL.GOV ticket for other hosts if Default ID has no ticket. - Mwm: "-maximize" for Tv/Gx windows. - Change "Acnet" to "Accelerator Controls" in many places. - Installer: Delete old customization files from Exceed directory. - Installer: Add "Stop XWin" in Cygwin-X menu. - Customization_info: "Download installer" instead of "Install" button. - Customization_info: get -vnc and -safety args to downloaded installer. - Customization_info: Don't exit if InetGet fails getting latest version info. - make_cookie: Use full path for WinSCP plink proxy - make_cookie: Better username for WinSCP sessions - Xgoto_URL: allow for spaces in %TEMP% "Hendricks Family" Release Notes for V2.3.20 (21-Aug-2019) (Pushed out to most AD users) - Cygwin-X: New MultiWindow WM config for more PA slots. Release Notes for V2.3.19 (08-Aug-2019) - PuTTY: Update to version 0.72 for security fixes and GSSAPI key exchange. - PuTTY: Disable GSSAPI key exchange as it causes problems. See Z:\Acnet_Custom\PuTTY\jgs_notes.txt - Customization_info: Prompt all users to manually download Acnet_Custom installer. This is to keep anti-virus software happy. - Customization_info: Don't look for Exceed on D: drive. - Installer: Don't use Exceed icons. - Installer: Support public consoles on Windows 10. - StartXApp: Fix -direct problem on public consoles - StartXApp, Acnet_Ticket: Support ".dhcp" in acnet/bd/* Kerberos tickets - StartXApp: Don't look for Exceed on D: drive. - StartXApp: Fix bug detecting a running xwin.exe. - Installer: Add "Restart mwm" item to Acnet menu for public consoles. - Misc_Functs: Include AcnTicketGet function. Release Notes for V2.3.18 (11-Mar-2019) - Support multiple Cygwin-X (XWin.exe) users on Windows Terminal Server nodes. - StartXApp: Always use putty.exe (not plink.exe) for non-interactive command. Release Notes for V2.3.17 (14-Feb-2019) - Look for 64-bit Cygwin-X. - Customization_info: Prompt non-domain user to manually download Acnet_Custom installer. - Kerberos for Windows: Disable V4 tickets in NetIDMgr 3.2.2 from MIT. - Installer: "CnsRun" Acnet menu and desktop shortcuts, which use VIASSH, for public console users. - StartXapp: Prefer Cygwin-X for non-public users with both Cygwin-X and Exceed. Release Notes for V2.3.16 (04-Jan-2019) - make_cookie: Preload ssh-ed25519 ssh host keys for outland/outback. - StartXapp: Preload ssh-ed25519 ssh host keys for outland/outback. Release Notes for V2.3.15 (07-Nov-2018) - Installer: Don't install if no gssapi32.dll. - StartXapp: Fix determination of clx node for public console users. - Installer: Use "auto" host and -direct for "clx" Acnet menu items for public console users. - Installer: Add "CnsRun VIASSH" Acnet menu item and desktop icon for public console users. - Installer: Add "-hide" to "CnsRun" shortcuts for private console users. Release Notes for V2.3.14 (20-Jul-2018) - Installer: Use ssh X forwarding for xterm and nedit Acnet menu items. - StartXapp: Put username of valid @FNAL.GOV ticket in PuTTY Auto-login username. - StartXapp: For notunnel VNC, default to port 5901 for Java Engines. - StartXapp: Disable task bar hiding for Cygwin/X startup on Windows 10. - StartXapp: 'start_xwin' starts default X server and Xgoto_URL. - Mwm: Better position for mwm icon box in Cygwin/X rootless mode. - Customization_info: Offer to kill running X server after Preferred X Server change. Release Notes for V2.3.13 (30-May-2018) - StartXapp: Fix bug starting Cygwin/X for Windows 7. Release Notes for V2.3.12 (24-May-2018) - make_cookie: Fix random() call for newer autoit3.exe. - StartXapp: Fix up xauth file before starting XWin. - Xgoto_URL: (V1.28) Hide X focus when Windows has focus (Cygwin/X rootless mode) - Xgoto_URL: Fix focus when new X app started (Cygwin/X rootless mode) - Xgoto_URL: Add missing Cygwin/X MultiWindow function: Activate window. Release Notes for V2.3.11 (13-Mar-2018) - Two new larger TV fonts for use with laptops with many tiny pixels. - Update AutoIt3.exe to V3.3.14-3 - Add sound files alarms_A, _B, _C, _D, _F, _I, _L, _M, _R, _S, _T - StartXApp: Attempt to fix occasional delay problem (seen with Exceed). (Don't use StdoutRead() for klist output) - Support 64 bit Cygwin. Release Notes for V2.3.10 (13-Feb-2018) - StartXapp: Fix "-direct tunnel2" for MCR Java engine VNC. - Installer: Alternate "Java Engine VNC Viewer" item in Plan B menu for MCR consoles. - StartXapp: Remove unused/broken -winticket option. - Kerberos for Windows: Update older krb5.ini file to v5_3, AD KDC first in list. - StartXApp: Restart XWin if new X screen size. Screen size can change due to docking station or Remote Desktop. - Xgoto_URL: Record initial screen 0 dimensions in _XSERVER_DIMENSIONS_0 property. - Xgoto_URL: Add -screencheck option. - Installer: Kill older running version of Xgoto_URL if needed. Release Notes for V2.3.09 (10-Oct-2017) - Elog_Capture: Include new Elog Capture program, which can capture just one X window when Cygwin/X is in rootless + mwm mode. - xptrwininfo: Add xptrwininfo program to Cygwin-X\bin. This is used by Elog Capture. - Installer: Do not put "Acnet" menu shortcut on the desktop for non Windows 7 users. (Everybody has a "Start" menu these days.) - StartXApp: Fix problems setting default Kerberos identity. - StartXApp: Warn if Kerberos user not @FNAL.GOV. - StartXApp: Use StdoutRead() for klist output. - Customization_info: Offer to kill Cygwin after config change. - Customization_info: Cygwin-X Config GUI improvements. - Misc_Functs: Move TicketWarnGet, etc. into Misc_Functs. - Controls_Proxy: Fix include file bug. - StartXApp: When starting Cygwin X in rootless mode on a multi-monitor PC, hide/unhide the task bar. - StartXapp: Accept "DIRECT_X" on launch command. - StartXApp: Activate Cygwin/X rootless window when starting an X application. - StartXApp: Move StartXApp.log file to C:\temp. - StartXApp: Deal with hung xsetroot when starting Cygwin X. Release Notes for V2.3.08 (03-Aug-2017) - Acnet_Ticket: Fix for StartXApp, StartXapp-Shared merge. - PuTTY: Update to version 0.70 for security fix and improvements. - make_cookie: Improved generation of xauth file. - Cygwin-X: Fixes to /etc/X0.hosts (does not prevent direct X FAIL problem) - Cygwin-X: Add Cygwin_bash.bat script. - StartXApp: Attempt to fix "Two XWin.exe" startup problem. - StartXApp: Write diagnostics to StartXApp.log file. - Installer: Require an X server (Cygwin-X or Exceed). - Installer: -update option to not reinstall same version. Release Notes for V2.3.07 (05-Jul-2017) - Installer: Accept newer 32 or 64 bit MIT Kerberos For Windows (4.x) - StartXapp: Support newer KFW (4.x), with "MIT Kerberos" GUI instead of NetIDMgr. - make_cookie: Establish krb5cc file for KFW 4.x. - Installer: Replace old or zero length krb5.ini/krb5.conf file for KFW 4.x, KFW 3.2.5 - StartXapp: Try to get focus when NetIDMgr "New Credentials" window is popped up. - StartXapp: Try to get focus when MIT Kerberos "Get Ticket" window is popped up. - StartXapp: Delete any left over .X0-lock file before starting Cygwin X server. - StartXapp: Fix bug starting Cygwin X server with username with a space. - StartXapp: Fix problem with -qscreen option. - StartXapp: Merge StartXapp-Shared functions into StartXapp. - StartXapp: When starting Cygwin X in MultiWindow mode, use default engine. - StartXapp: When starting Cygwin X in MultiWindow mode, use -nowgl. - Installer: Install Acnet fonts in Cygwin-X directory. - Installer: Add -cygwinroot option. - Installer: Look at CygwinRoot registry value to locate Cygwin directory. - Installer: Look in more places for Cygwin installation. - StartXapp: Look at CygwinRoot registry value to locate Cygwin directory. - StartXapp: Look in more places for Cygwin installation. - Installer: "-safety" option to include safety items in the Acnet menu. - Customization_info: Add "Include Safety items in Acnet menu" check box to "Check for New Version" dialog if no Safety items are currently in the Acnet menu. - PuTTY: Update to version 0.69 for security fix and improvements. - StartXapp: Completely remove support for HostExplorer. Release Notes for V2.3.06 (15-Nov-2016) - PuTTY Default Settings: Set "X display location" to if it is not defined. - StartXapp: Fix working dir for Xgoto_URL so sound files can be found. - StartXapp: Only honor direct X specification in shortcut ("viassh") if user has a Fermi IP add. Such shortcuts will then work for users behind NAT routers by using ssh X forwarding. - StartXapp: Ensure MIT Magic Cookie exists and PuTTY, FileZilla, WinSCP defaults have been established before starting Cygwin X server. - StartXapp: make text fit in dialog buttons for 125% 150% Windows font size. - Controls Proxy: make text fit in buttons for 125% 150% Windows font size. - Get Cookie: make text fit in buttons for 125% 150% Windows font size. - Customization Info: Use https for version checking and installing. - Installer: Remove KCA provider fix. KCA certs are no longer used at FNAL. Release Notes for V2.3.05 (22-Aug-2016) [In 9/08/2016 Win7 Image] - Exceed: Don't override default us.kbf file. - Cygwin-X: 'Configure Cygwin-X' in tray menu. - StartXapp: Sleep after Cygwin-X startup to prevent double wedged tasks. - StartXapp: Run xrdb.exe after starting Cygwin-X. - StartXapp: Set root background color when starting Cygwin-X. - StartXapp: Fix 'xdm' option (used by public consoles). - Xgoto_URL: On Cygwin X server, write the Windows cursor position to an X prop. - Customization Info: make text fit in buttons for 125% 150% Windows font size. - Customization Info: Configure Cygwin-X: 'Additional XWin args' for each mode. - Exceed: Add Exceed configuration file for MCR 6-screen consoles. - New Icon for Safety application shortcuts, (used on console PC's). - Acnet_Ticket: Prevent MCR console 1-11 screens from blanking. - Exceed: Special config file for crew chief's console (cns11pc). Release Notes for V2.3.04 (20-Jun-2016) - Xgoto_URL: Use unique goto_url_*.url file name so Internet Explorer doesn't get confused. - Xgoto_URL: Use _ACCUSTOM_VERSION instead of _EXCUSTOM_VERSION property. Release Notes for V2.3.03 (08-Jun-2016) - Installer: Fix bug creating shortcuts when Cygwin-X is the only X server. Release Notes for V2.3.02 (20-May-2016) - StartXApp: When starting Cygwin-X X server: use -noprimary option. - Cygwin-X: system.XWinrc: Fixup XWin tray right-click menu. Release Notes for V2.3.01 (05-May-2016) - Support multiple X servers: Exceed, Cygwin-X, both, or none. - Installer: Cygwin-X: Install custom configuration for XWin, mwm, etc. - Installer: Add "Cygwin-X" Start menu with "Start XWin", "Configure XWin", "Get Cookie" - StartXApp: Use currently running X server, or start preferred one. - StartXApp: When starting Cygwin-X X server: Get mode from registry "multiwindow", "rootless" or "onewindow" Start local mwm window manager for "rootless" and "onewindow" modes. - StartXApp: Add "start_xwin" command to start the Cygwin-X XWin X server. - Make_cookie: Generate special binary xauth file which XWin.exe likes. - Kerberos for Windows: Update older krb5.ini file to v5.2w, AD KDC first in list. - Customization Info: Select preferred X server. - Customization Info: Dialog to configure Cygwin-X X server. Release Notes for V2.3.00 (05-Apr-2016) - Installer: (No Exceed): Install useful Acnet Menu items. - Installer: (No Exceed): Use alternative icons for shortcuts. - Installer: Put customization files in c:\Program Files (x86)\Acnet_Custom - Rename "PuTTY..." Acnet menu shortcut to "Controls PuTTY..." Release Notes for V2.2.33 (17-Mar-2016) - Installer: Remove (deprecated) HostExplorer shortcuts from Acnet menu. - PuTTY: Update to version 0.67 to fix pscp vulnerability. - Xgoto_URL: Support "javaws:" URL's to start Java programs. Release Notes for V2.2.32 (11-Feb-2016) - Use ssh instead of telnet for "nova xterm" - PuTTY: Update to version 0.66 for security fix and improvements. - Exceed.xcfg: Enable the XKEYBOARD extension for Exceed V14. - Make_cookie: Fix Exceed 15 focus behavior. - Xgoto_URL: Support Exceed 15. Release Notes for V2.2.31 (12-Aug-2015) - PuTTY: Update to version 0.65 for minor fixes and improvements. - HostExplorer: Do not use Kerberos encryption. Insecure Connection Warning Dialog will appear. HostExplorer only supports DES encryption and does not work with the new krb5.ini file (V5.1). - HostExplorer: Do not type fixup-tix into window. - StartXapp: Use the changes the user has made to the PuTTY "Default Settings" profile when starting PuTTY windows. - Kerberos for Windows: Update older krb5.ini file to v5.1w, AD KDC first in list. Release Notes for V2.2.30 (17-Jul-2015) - StartXapp: Add "notunnel" command to start VNC or RDP directly to target host. - Installer: Add "Java Engine VNC Viewer..." "notunnel" Acnet menu item for cns1pc-cns14pc. - Installer: Add "Scope VNC Viewer..." "notunnel" Acnet menu item for public consoles. - Installer: Add "Scope VNC Viewer..." "tunnel" Acnet menu item for private users. - StartXapp: For vncviewer.exe commands, add "-shared" option. - Installer: "-vnc" option to include VNC items in the Acnet menu. - Customization_info: Add "Include VNC items in Acnet menu" check box to "Check for New Version" dialog if no VNC items are currently in the Acnet menu. - Installer: Add Safety System items to Acnet menu for public consoles. - Installer: Add "Plan B" Safety System items to Acnet menu for public consoles. - Better detection of Exceed version. - StartXApp: Fixes for HostExplorer. - StartXApp: Add "-v" option to add "-v" option to outland launch command. Release Notes for V2.2.29 (25-Jun-2015) - Support Exceed 15. - Remove support for Exceed 12 (2007). - Kerberos for Windows: Don't put 64-bit NetIDMgr in "Startup" folder unless 64-bit KCA Plugin is installed. - Always specify -ssh for plink commands. - Installer: Fix "Captive CnsRun" shortcut to use "acnetcns" as the gateway user. Release Notes for V2.2.28 (17-Mar-2015) - WinSCP: Fix bug in creating user@chablis saved session. Release Notes for V2.2.27 (10-Mar-2015) - PuTTY: Upgrade to V0.64. Fixes security bugs. Release Notes for V2.2.26 (10-Feb-2015) - Place "Acnet" menu shortcut on the desktop for Windows 8 users. (They may not have a "Start" menu.) - Rename "Telnet" to "HostExplorer" in Acnet menu shortcuts. - Support RDP via single and double hop SSH tunnels. - Separate combo menus for recently used VNC/port and RDP hosts. - Remove "localhost:" items from Terminal Server Client recently used host list. - Fix title of RDP/VNC host dialog boxes. - StartXApp: Don't start Exceed for VNC, RDP or "-nox" switch. - WinSCP: Add user@chablis saved session. - Installer: Remove "ACNET CnsRun" desktop icon for public consoles. - Installer: Remove unneeded Acnet menu shortcuts for public consoles. - Installer: Put a "Captive CnsRun" shortcut in the Program Files (x86) Exceed directory, to be copied and used if the node is deployed as a public console outside the controls firewall. - PuTTY: Delete any "Kerberized PuTTY" start menu folder. Use "PuTTY" instead. Include all the shortcuts from the official PuTTY install in the PuTTY menu. - PuTTY: Install the PuTTY LICENSE and README files. - PuTTY: Don't install plink_old.exe and putty_old.exe - StartXApp: Remove cryptocard messages. - Kerberos for Windows: Copy new kpkcs11.dll for KCA Provider plugin. This allows newer Firefox to import KCA certificates from Windows "My" store. - Kerberos for Windows: If 64-bit installed, remove "Kerberos for Windows (32-bit)" Start folder. - Kerberos for Windows: If 64-bit installed, use 64-bit NetIDMgr in "Startup" folder. Release Notes for V2.2.25 (17-Dec-2013) - Controls_Proxy: Fix bug introduced in V2.2.23. Release Notes for V2.2.24 (25-Nov-2013) - New size 4 LX font. - Minor changes to existing LX fonts. Release Notes for V2.2.23 (28-Oct-2013) - Send "y" to plink.exe for assigning a console instance. - Installer: Remove old code to deal with locked .exe files. - Make_cookie: Fix FileZilla settings initialization. - Make_cookie: Precache outland and outback ssh host keys in the registry. - Installer: Don't use GUI functionality at all with -quiet or -force. - xhost.txt: Add for Xgoto_url. - get_clxnode(): Fix to assign public consoles properly. Alternate clx4/clx8 when assigning console instance from the pool. - Acnet_Ticket: Prevent crew chief's console screen from blanking. - Acnet_Ticket: Don't update Java cache if c:\temp\java_cache_no_update exists. Release Notes for V2.2.22 (19-Aug-2013) (Pushed out to most AD users) - Combo menu of recently used host names for PuTTY... and Telnet... - PuTTY: Update to V0.63 from PuTTY web site. Fixes security bugs. This version does not do GSSAPI key exchange. - Installer: If a .exe file to be replaced is locked, schedule the file replacement to happen at the next boot. - Installer: Remove support for older versions of MIT Kerberos for Windows which use Leash32 instead of NetIDMgr. Release Notes for V2.2.21 (01-Apr-2013) - Remove support for Exceed 9. - WinSCP defaults: Forward Kerberos ticket so AFS files can be written. - AcnetTicket.au3: Update the Java ACNET application cache every 15 minutes. (public consoles) - Option to use SecureVNCPlugin64.dsm encryption plugin with UltraVNC viewer. - Use -ls (login shell) switch for "clx xterm" and "nova xterm" shortcuts. - Update special exceed.xcfg files for MCR consoles. Release Notes for V2.2.20 (09-Jan-2013) - Support 64 bit VNC (look for both 64 and 32 bit versions) Release Notes for V2.2.19 (28-Aug-2012) - StartXapp: Use plink instead of telnet for cnsrun xdm. - Installer: Look for C:\Win7-ImageNotes.txt - Installer: Create "Centra Acnet Operator" Acnet menu shortcut for MCR <= 11. Release Notes for V2.2.18 (05-Jul-2012) - Installer: Fix bug finding Exceed on D: drive. - AcnetTicket.au3: Fix Misc_Functs.au3 include file problem. - Installer: Determine if public (captive account) console by looking for ACNET keytab file. Release Notes for V2.2.17 (29-Mar-2012) - StartXapp: Fix Exceed startup problems on Windows Terminal Server. - Establish WinSCP defaults and example sessions for current user. - Xgoto_URL: Remove creation of %TEMP%\EXCEED_IS_UP file. No longer used. Release Notes for V2.2.16 (05-Mar-2012) - StartXapp: Get the X display number from the registry (for Windows Terminal Server). - xrdb.txt: Configure xterms to use CLIPBOARD selection for copy/paste - Set Host Explorer terminals to type "ansi". This allows 'ls' to use color. - Fixup PuTTY defaults for users who never use StartXApp shortcuts. - Fixup FileZilla defaults for current user. Release Notes for V2.2.15 (06-Sep-2011) - Better looking fonts for Acnet graphics windows. - Fix path to captive account keytab on X86_64 architecture. Release Notes for V2.2.14 (02-Aug-2011) - AcnetTicket.au3: restarts Xgoto_URL if it is not running. (public consoles) - AcnetTicket.au3: allow new autoit3.exe install without restarting public console. - Exceed.xcfg: Allow sleep. - Create c:\temp\sounds\ directory on cns*pc's - Re-do vncviewer.exe search order. Prefer ultraVNC if using port 5900 and tunnel. - StartXapp: Support assigning a console instance from the pool for public consoles. - Installer: If we don't have admin privs, re-run installer with UAC admin dialog. Release Notes for V2.2.13 (22-Sep-2010) - Support Exceed V14 - Customization Info: Use normal installer for Windows Vista/Windows 7. - StartXApp: Use port 22 for outland/outback - Controls Proxy: use port 22 to connect to outland/outback. - Fix proxy.pac to work without the on the url. - Update AutoIt3.exe to V3.3.6.1. - Installer: Copy new plink.exe to TimbukTu area - Xconfig: Synchronize Windows clipboard to X CLIPBOARD selection instead of PRIMARY. This follows the current consesus about how X copy/paste should work. See - Acnet_ticket: Specify 26 hour ticket lifetime. - Acnet_ticket: Make sure PuTTY defaults are defined. - Installer: "-force" option, like -quiet but force reinstall of same version. - Installer: Special exceed.xcfg for crew chief console. - Xgoto_URL: Look for sound files in c:\temp\sounds\ first. - CnsRun, clx/nova xterm, clx nedit shortcuts use plink instead of Host explorer. - Add Wally's MCR alarm sound files. - Installer: Interactive warning about old MIT Kerberos for Windows. Release Notes for V2.2.12 (16-Mar-2010) - PuTTY: Update to Development shapshot 2009-01-22:r8425 which supports GSSAPI key exchange and gssapi-with-mic authentication. gssapi authentication is no longer supported. The previous PuTTY version which supports both gssapi and gssappi-with-mic authentication is still available as putty_old.exe. - PuTTY: Use port 12 to connect to outland and outback. - New plink based Controls Proxy. - Don't warn about ticket forwarding from behind NAT for Host Explorer. The new telnet daemon on outland/outback, to be released soon, will support it. - PuTTY: Create "via_controls_proxy" and "via_nc_proxy" example saved sessions. - "console@clx PuTTY" shortcut in Acnet menu for control room consoles. - Installer: Kludges to install .exe files even if they are in use. - Telnet: Use "LOGIN_TO" alias to log into next node. This lets us change the exact command used on the gateway nodes. - Copy a new lfp.xdb (font path) file only if the current one doesn't have "acnet" Release Notes for V2.2.11 (23-Feb-2010) - Get special principal Acnet ticket on public console nodes. Push ticket to associated clx node. - Installer: Recognize nml-cryo* nodes as public acnet consoles. - StartXApp: Grep console_instances.dat for clx node to run public console. Release Notes for V2.2.10 (28-Aug-2009) - Use ssh instead of rsh for Host Explorer connections from outland to the target node. There is an incompatability between the rsh client on outland and the rshd server on SLF 5 nodes where the LINES environment variable doesn't get set correctly. Release Notes for V2.2.9 (31-Jul-2009) - Support Captive account CnsRun - Remove explicit directory from ssh launch command Release Notes for V2.2.8 (13-Jul-2009) - Fix bug installing on Exceed 2007 - Set default backing store to "When Mapped". This will increase performance for users on slower networks (DSL and Cable). Release Notes for V2.2.7 (09-Jul-2009) - Xgoto_url: Fixup to work with Exceed 2008. - Xgoto_url: Don't require "http://" on URL's. Release Notes for V2.2.6 (01-Jul-2009) - Add support for Exceed 2008. - PuTTY: Prepare for possible update to Development shapshot 2009-01-22:r8425 which supports GSSAPI key exchange and gssapi-with-mic authentication. Use the gssapi-with-mic port (12) for Kerberos connections to outland or outback. Set GssapiFwd=1 in defaults. - "[user@]host" text for "Putty..." and "Telnet..." dialogs. Release Notes for V2.2.5 (07-May-2009) - PuTTY: Make red text easier to read. - PuTTY: -tunnel2 option use launch instead of ssh_new. - Fixup Java Engine VNC Viewer support to look for vncviewer.exe on the desktop. Release Notes for V2.2.4 (03-Dec-2008) - PuTTY: Use rectangular select by default. - get_cookie.au3: Support both Exceed and Xming. - make_cookie.au3: Support both Exceed and Xming. - Move functions common to Exceed and Xming in StartXapp.au3 to StartXapp-Shared.au3. - Add "Java Engine VNC Viewer..." item to Acnet menu for users who have a version of UltraVNC, TightVNC, or RealVNC installed. It asks for a hostname, sets up a 2 hop ssh tunnel, logs in as user console, and runs VNC Viewer on localhost:5901. - Add adeshtux etc. to xhost_cnspc.txt - Configure Exceed 2007 to "Raise Window On Click" in Dipslay->Advanced. - Add "Get Cookie" to Acnet menu. - Update Exceed 2007 exceed.exe to V12.0.17.160 if needed. This prevents certain Exceed crashes. - "Via outland/outback" for PuTTY.., Telnet... - Delete old customization version number files - Putty... [X] Direct X connection check box in host dialog. - Remove CnsStop from Acnet menu. - In Acnet menu, change "Linux" shortcuts to "clx" - Update AutoIt3.exe to V3.2.12.1. - In Customization Info, fix "Install New Version" to close AutoIt3.exe. Release Notes for V2.2.3 (15-Jul-2008) [ Oldest seen 3/2013] - Use a Kerberized PuTTY build (Unidentified build, Sep 21 2007 08:00:40) which supports both gssapi and gssapi-with-mic authentication. - Xgoto_URL: Allow ")" character in URL's - Installer: Copy kerberized plink.exe to the Program Files\Timbuktu Pro directory, if it exists. Release Notes for V2.2.2 (15-Apr-2008) - Upgrade Kerberized PuTTY to V0.59. - Change default font and colors used by PuTTY. - Support 2 hop VNC ssh tunnels - Support ssh with direct X connection. - Fix problem with Get_Cookie Release Notes for V2.2.1 (17-Mar-2008) - Fix problems with Net Identity Manager support. - In Customization Info, fix "Install New Version" to work with Windows Vista. - Turn on compression in Putty. Release Notes for V2.2.0 (04-Mar-2008) - Force Net Identity Manager to have an FNAL.GOV identity as the default identity. This prevents much confusion when a user uses Net Identity Mangager for the first time on a computer/account. - "Telnet ..." and "PuTTY ..." Acnet menu shortcuts which ask user which host to connect to. - "Customizations Info" window with version, release notes, and Check for/Install New Version. - "Controls Proxy" ACNET menu shortcut to allow web browsers to access URL's inside the Controls Firewall. Browser configuration required. See - StartXApp: -vnc option to setup ssh tunnel, and run VNC Viewer. "VNC Tunnel..." shortcut is created in the ACNET menu for users with VNC Viewer installed. - Configure Exceed 2007 so power management is allowed to turn off monitor. - Configure Exceed 2007 to refuse sleep if Exceed has an X connection. - Hide Xgoto_URL task bar icon. Diagnostic output is sent to %TEMP%\Xgoto_URL.log. - StartXApp -qhost option to ask user for node to connect to. - Update AutoIt3.exe to V3.2.10.0. - StartXApp: -hide option to hide PuTTY window and icon for command after a short delay - Eliminate the ViaGateway Hummingbird Basic script. - New naming convention for alarm sounds (alarms1.wav, alarms2.wav, ...) - Don't install DecTerm or VMS Telnet ACNET menu items. Leave existing items there. - Installer: Delete old "Custom_V*" files. Release Notes for V2.1.1 (29-Aug-2007) - Maximum backing-store = Always for Exceed 2007. - Add nodes to xhost.txt list for Control Room PC's. - Make ordering of DEC75 and Dec100 font directories for Exceed 2007 the same as Exceed 9. - Support 6 and 8-screen MCR console PC's on Exceed 2007. - Fix StartXapp.au3 to tolerate spaces in the %TEMP% string. - StartXApp -winticket option to use Windows captive account tickets (for control room use) - StartXApp -direct option to connect without outland/outback. (for control room use) - StartXApp -qscreen option to ask the user which X server screen to use. (for control room use) Release Notes for V2.1.0 (15-May-2007) - Remove support for Exceed V7 and V8. - Add support for Exceed 2007. Exceed V9 and Exceed 2007 are now supported. - Add support for Windows Vista. Windows 2000, XP and Vista are now supported. There is a separate "-Vista" version of the installer which is flagged so that Windows Vista will acquire Administrative privileges before running it. The "-Vista" installer will also work on Windows 2000 and XP, but it requires Administrative privileges to install. It will not work for Power Users like the normal installer does. - Add support for NetIDMgr. MIT Kerberos for Windows and NetIDMgr are now supported as providers of Kerberos tickets. - Kerberized PuTTY SSH client is now included. This is useful for accessing things inside the firewall without using the Controls VPN, or for home users behind a NAT router to run a console without using a VPN. New "CnsRun VIASSH", "Linux PuTTY" and "nova PuTTY" items in the Start->Programs->Acnet menu use PuTTY to start things using the SSH protocol. - Use the xlib.dll included with Exceed instead of Cygwin libx11.dll. - Compile Xgoto_URL in mingw instead of cygwin environment. cygwin1.dll and sh.exe are no longer needed. - Use the xauth.exe included with Exceed 2007 for Exceed 9. - Update installer to use AutoIt V3.2.2.0 which has Windows Vista support. Release Notes for V2.0.14 (23-Mar-2007) - Fix problem where Xgoto_URL wouldn't display web pages for some users. This bug was introduced in V2.0.13. - Add support so On Site Controls VPN users are able to enable ACNET settings - Put customizations version number in an X property so we can track upgrades. Release Notes for V2.0.13 (09-Jan-2007) - Remove most VAXes from xhost.txt file. VAXes not in DNS were causing long Exceed startup times and cnsrun failures. - Remove "Debug_DECTerm" Acnet menu item. - Remove "VMS CnsRun" from control room Acnet menus. - Remove VMS exception for requiring a forwardable Kerberos ticket. - Xgoto_URL signals startup script when it is possible to connect to Exceed. - Remove various VMS specific things. Release Notes for V2.0.12 (13-Nov-2006) - Fix intermittent failures when starting a Linux Telnet session. - Preserve additions to the xhost.txt file in the user's profile. - Configure Exceed V9 so scroll wheel works with nedit. - Configure Exceed V9 so power management is not prohibited from turning off monitor. - Various modifications for Control Room consoles only. - In xhost_cnspc.txt, change names to IP addresses so things work if Exceed starts before a name server is available after a power outage. - Special exceed.xcfg configuration file for 6-screen consoles with comfort monitors. Release Notes for V2.0.11 (18-Oct-2005) - Fix bug in preserving assigned console instance in shortcuts. This resulted in unusable shortcuts for most users. - Do special shortcuts for control room cnsNNpc nodes. - Increase time for control room xdm startup of exceed. - Accept clxNN node name on control room xdm startup. Used for substituting for a broken vax/clx. Release Notes for V2.0.10 (07-Oct-2005) - Copy default user files before starting Exceed, so that Exceed can use the new configuration files. This prevents errors the first use after install. - Track mouse when not in X windows for better application timeouts. - Preserve assigned console instance and mwm preferences in shortcuts. - Allow customizations upgrade with Exceed.exe running if older V2 customizations are present. - Write "custom_V2.0.10" file to facilitate rollout scripting. Release Notes for V2.0.9 (22-Sep-2005) - Run x11debug in Linux Nedit and Linux xterm shortcuts to help users debug X server and network problems. - Make sure the MIT Magic Cookie gets created the first time a user runs a shortcut even if the user's Exceed data directory doesn't exist yet. - Make_Cookie now creates user's Exceed data directory if it doesn't exist. This fixes the error when a new user logs on to Windows. - Don't display progress bar in -quiet install mode. Release Notes for V2.0.8 (11-Aug-2005) - Add "CnsStop" shortcut to Acnet menu, which stops both Linux and VMS consoles. - Fix problem deciding we are using NAT. Do not consider 169.254. address as a Private address since it should never be routed over NAT. Wireless cards may configure one of these. - Back to longer timeout for temporary telnet windows (120 sec). Need more time to look at errors. - Fix intermittent problem reading magic cookie. - Display error message if Host Explorer terminal window can't be created (after a retry). Release Notes for V2.0.7 (08-Aug-2005) - Delete files from old Exceed Customizations for ACNET Users. This will disable old-style shortcuts, which shouldn't be used. - Wait for outland/outback prompt again. Not waiting caused problems with V7 and cryptocard. - Remove "Linux CnsRun" shortcut from the Acnet menu. - Smaller default Host Explorer font for Exceed V9 and V8. - Fix intermittent problems starting Host Explorer sessions. - Shorter timeout for temporary telnet windows (60 sec). - Pause 3 seconds before sending commands to outland/outback. - "-quiet" command line option for silent install. - Detect cnsNNpc nodes and customize for control rooms. Special xhost.txt, CnsRun via XDM. - If Leash32 won't start, try again. - Support for installation on Windows 9x. - If we find exceed.exe running but no cookie, create cookie and warn user to restart Exceed to pick up the cookie. - Display "Bad shortcut" message if old shortcut is used. - Install: In quiet mode, quit if the current version has already been installed. - Install: -help option, displays options and %errorlevel% codes - Use clx node for assigned console instance CnsRun shortcuts. - Install: -extract option Release Notes for V2.0.6 (13-Jul-2005) - Get user's Application Data directory from %APPDATA% instead of AutoIt @AppDataDir macro or %userprofile%\Application Data. This was causing problems for Gary Ganster who has APPDATA=C:\Windows\Application Data and %userprofile%=C:\Documents and Settings\ganster\ - Make sure that Default User files have been copied to the user's profile even if Exceed is already running. - For Host Explorer windows, resize now changes terminal size instead of font size by default (Exceed V9 and V8 only). - Speed up execution of HostExplorer injected commands (DISPLAY=, xauth, fixup-tix) for users with non-default prompt. - Don't wait for outland/outback prompt. Release Notes for V2.0.5 (31-May-2005) - Create user directories before copying files to them. - acnet_assigned_node environment variable for users with assigned console instances to get customized shortcuts. - Create "Start->Programs->Hummingbird Connectivity Vx->Exceed" directory if needed. - "nova Telnet" shortcut in Acnet menu. - Don't use @SW_HIDE for running leash32. - Wait longer for pooled instance assignment. Release Notes for V2.0.4 (23-May-2005) - Enable loading of XRDB.TXT for Exceed V8. Release Notes for V2.0.3 (19-May-2005) - Enable MIT Magic Cookies for Exceed V8. Release Notes for V2.0.2 (18-May-2005) - Require hostex32.exe to install on exceed V8. - Enable Kerberos in Exceed V8 Host Explorer profiles. - Add ":0" after FROM_IP in shortcuts to make it obvious this is the DISPLAY field. - Names instead of numbers for VAX nodes in xhost.txt. - Supress close Host Explorer window popup message. - Install release notes. Shortcut in Humm...Exceed - Delete Acnet Menu shortcuts with old style names. Release Notes for V2.0.1 (16-May-2005) - Create a Magic Cookie if it does not exist *before* Exceed is started. - Load xrdb.txt in ExV7. - Fix Backspace key for xterm run from Sun or SGI machines (nova, fsui02, etc) - Don't wait for Xgoto_URL to start. - Get_Cookie.au3: Option in to get xauth command with cookie. Release Notes for V2.0.0 - Support for Linux ACNET consoles - Use MIT Magic Cookies for X security - Support for alarm sounds - Backspace key works properly for most programs - One installer for Exceed Version V7, 8, or 9 - Include the patches to block Pop-Up windows from the open X server scanner - Installable by Power Users. - Short xhost.txt list for VAXes, nova, chablis- Support Linux - Alternate between using outland and outback as the gateway node. - Warn user of an expired or non-forwardable ticket - Support cryptocard. - Get username from Kerberos ticket. - Determines user's IP address. Works with VPN, NAT, Multiple NIC's, wireless - Manual paste of xauth command with MIT Magic Cookie Version Milestones V2.3.23 (27-Jul-2021) Start->Acnet menu to Start->Accelerator Controls V2.3.12 (24-May-2018) Xgoto_URL focus fixes V2.3.11 (13-Mar-2018) Big Fonts, new AutoIT3.exe V2.3.10 (13-Feb-2018) Restart XWin if screen size change V2.3.09 (10-Oct-2017) Elog Capture V2.3.05 (22-Aug-2016) Support for Cygwin-X [In 9/08/2016 Win7 Image] V2.2.22 (08-19-2013) Official PuTTY 0.63 (Pushed out to most AD users) V2.2.21 (01-Apr-2013) Last support for Exceed 9. V2.2.13 (22-Sep-2010) Use X CLIPBOARD instead of PRIMARY selection. Use normal installer for Windows 7 and Vista V2.2.12 (16-Mar-2010) outland port 12. (Pushed out to most AD users) V2.2.3 (15-Jul-2008) Gssapi-with-mic. Oldest version seen in use on 3/29/2013 V2.2.0 (04-Mar-2008) Customization info, Check for/install new version. Controls Proxy. No Hummingbird Basic code. V2.1.0 (15-May-2007) MIT Kerberos for Windows Network Identity Manager V2.0.14 (23-Mar-2007) Customization version # in X property.