MADC Summer

W. Krakar

MADC_SUMMER is a special task which does continous sums for selected MADC channels at desired trigger rates. This is a description of the interface between the front end and the calling application programs.

The properties described here pertain to a single device entry in the data base per front end supporting the device.


88 (hex) FF (hex)
0 0
0 0
0 0

The front end maintains what appears to be 2 arrays from the application point of view. One of the arrays is for reading results back from the front end, the other array is for sending settings to the front end.

Reading Property

         4 bytes              4 bytes             4 bytes        20 bytes
0 - |Cumulative sum    |Number of readings  |Readings attempted|Date stamp   |
14- |Cumulative sum    |Number of readings  |Readings attempted|Date stamp  |

This array must be read in contigous full line slices up to the size of the array. For example a request to read the following lines:


will have an offset of 192 and a length of 96.

The definitions of the fields are as follows:

Cumulative sum The integer sum of the raw MADC readings for the selected MADC and channel.
Number of readings The number of times data has actually been added to the cumulative sum. Data is added if no error is returned by the MADC for a respective reading.
Number of readings
The total number of times readings from the MADC were attempted including reads which returned an error.
Date stamp a 20 bytes array of characters, NOT null terminated containing the date stamp for when the respective location was last SET. The date format is as follows:

Setting Property

      1 byte     1 byte     2 bytes    4 bytes     
0 - |MADC #    |Channel # |FTD       |Delay     |
14- |MADC #    |Channel # |FTD       |Delay     |

This array must be read in contigous full line slices up to the size of the array. For example a request to set/read settings the following lines:


will have an offset of 48 and a length of 24.

This array is used as the template for the setting and reading of setting properties. The definitions of the fields are as follows:

MADC # a valid MADC # for the respective front end.
Channel # a valid channel # for the respective front end/ MADC #.
FTD standard ACNET FTD on which MADC readings will be synchronized.
Delay delay in milliseconds from above FTD when processing of readings will be initiated.

A setting containing an MADC number of 0 will result in the front end undefining the respective entry in the setting table (setting all entries to 0).

Basic Status The basic status property will read and then SET a mutually exclusive flag designed to be used by applications.
Basic Control The basic control property will CLEAR the above mutually exclusive flag.

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