(Frig) Controls Notes and Documents
New Frig Frontend Status
Here are a few miscellaneous documents I have about Frig.
John Brubaker's description of how to do
Fast Collection Of Cryogenic Data Using Circular Buffer
Emergency Maintenance Instructions.
(Replace burnt-up CPU.)
Description of weird endian-ness implementation issues in the new Frig (PPC-based) systems.
URL that Frig Front Ends link to from D98 (overview of Frig Build Instructions).
New Frig Build and Install Instructions
VxWorks boot parameters for VME Frig front ends.
Instructions on how to build a Rom-able vxworks kernel
Notes on where the 186 source files are.
OBSOLETE Explanation of
how to use across the VME-backplane psuedo-devices to communicate between new (PPC based) Frig systems.
This is OBSOLETE. It was only for the 2300s that were temporarily installed at PR and P1
Procedure for
updating old (386-based) Frig configurations
Dennis Nicklaus