This page tells you what to do when you need a replacement PowerPC processor board for a Frig front end. Presumably, you are reading this because lightning has struck one of the Frig front end CPU cards or it has otherwise burnt-out or failed, and the primary Frig controls support engineer is not available.
Before proceeding with the replacement of the CPU card, here are some things you absolutely should have tried first (unless you see obvious signs of smoke, etc.):
If it is a real catastrophe and you need a second spare, the PowerPC for FrigBR may be available. The frigBR system is generally only a test system, so you might be able to use it as a second spare. Check with the Cryo coordinator first. FrigBR is in the B0 service building. Make sure you take BR and not B0. They are labelled and also B0 has many more arcnet cards connected to it.
If you need more spares than that, you'll have to go on to options B. and C., which are slightly more work (i.e. you have to get vxworks installed into the board for option C.).
The configuration information is also in another place: It's in the startup command scripts which are in the nova directory:
You'll need to run the appropriate sector's command file to get that sector's configuration. Do the following to change the configuration:
That is the command which starts the Frig application code running. It is best to temporarily comment out that line for this reconfiguration. Remember to restore it when you are done.
Run the command script like this:
-> <vxworks_boot/fe/frig/a.login (or b.login, c.login, ...)
There are several key components of this configuration, including setting the sector name, the number of houses, all the various addresses of the Arcnet and IPUCD cards, and reading the defaults files. Reading the Frig defaults files will take a minute or two to complete.
The document frig_boot_params.txt contains the recent boot parameter settings for each frig node.
A better solution is to run the startup script, then execute:
After running write_all_defs2flash and flashFile, just clear out the "startup script" boot parameter field, and reboot and everything should work. See the New Frig Build and Install Instructions for more details.