CAMAC Front-End Documentation : Software Description : SLD Interface Library : Function Reference
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2.3.3. Function Reference

The following functions are defined in the SLD module: sendCamacIO()

sendCamacIO(CamacRequest const* req, CamacReply* rep, unsigned n);

Sends a "CNAF", or block of CNAFs, through the CAMAC serial link. req and rep point to arrays of request and reply buffers, respectively. The n parameter indicates the size of the arrays and defaults to 1, if compiling with a C++ compiler.

A task sending an array of requests is guaranteed that its entire transaction will complete before another task's requests are processed. If multiple front-ends can access the same serial link, the lock field in the request structure should be used to prevent other CNAFs from being interspersed with the requests. sldSetCamacBranch()

sldSetCamacBranch(unsigned char branch);

Sets the default CAMAC branch to branch.

Most front-ends have a single CAMAC serial link, so this function doesn't perform any function on such a system. A few front-ends, however, can access more than one CAMAC branch. This function sets the branch that is to be the default.

CAMAC Front-End Documentation : Software Description : SLD Interface Library : Function Reference
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