RD Controls Software Release No. 32.4<P> <b> EPICURE Distribution Kit</b><P> <b> Installation Guide</b>

RD Controls Software Release No. 32.4

EPICURE Distribution Kit

Installation Guide

D.S. Baddorf


The installation procedure uses VMSINSTAL. Type:
@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL productname kit_location
Currently, productnames include: For the initial installation, product EPICURE must be installed first. Type:
The rest of the products may follow, by typing:
@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL * kit_location
This will re-install the EPICURE kit, but this does not matter.

Successive upgrade installations may be done in any order, so the easiest way is to type:

@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL * kit_location

Answer the initial questions about backups and any users logged on. The installation will not affect users currently logged on or using previous versions of EPICURE software. Instructions are given during the installation about starting up the new EPICURE products, and the correct form for the logicals required.

Logicals are not redefined to point to the new version; this is left to the system manager.


You must be running VMS V5.3 or higher.

Each EPICURE product does its own disk space check and will terminate if it does not find enough disk space. The size varies according to the kit.

Upgrading a Previous Installation

If EPICURE has already been installed on the system, ensure that logical EPICURE$ROOT points to the directory for the current version. If you have EPICURE version FT0 (field test 0) the logical might look like:


If you have an [EPICURE] directory, but no child EPICURE_Vnn_m directory (possibly from an early field test installation), define EPICURE$TOPROOT to point the installation to the correct place:


Of course, you will use the device designation appropriate for your system. Also, EPICURE need not be a top level directory so long as the logical correctly points to a directory named [...EPICURE.EPICURE_Vnn_m]. Allow for at least three directories below the [EPICURE.] level.

If either or both logicals are defined, no further questions are asked of the installer.

New Installation

If neither logical is defined, the installation procedure will ask for a device and directory in which you want EPICURE created. The default is SYS$SYSDEVICE:[000000] but you may choose another device and/or you may nest EPICURE within another already existing directory.
Be sure that any logicals you use are defined.

Several questions follow to help us identify users of our EPICURE products, for update and support purposes. You will be asked to supply the node name if F$GETSYI("NODENAME") does not know the node name. You will also be asked the experiment number, the name of a contact person, and the name and email address of the person performing the installation.

What is the node name on this node? MYNODE

What experiment are you with? E999

Who is your contact person? Joe Smith

Who are you? Jane Doe

Preferred EMail address? NODE::USER

These are all the questions that will be asked.

Starting EPICURE Products

The following logicals must be defined before starting EPICURE products. You will probably want to put the logicals and the startup commands in your system startup file.

These definitions follow the style of the computing department's PRODUCT software, and can be managed by that software if the system manager makes the needed modifications to tell the PRODUCT software of EPICURE and its sub-products' existence.

Rooted logicals must be defined for:

For example:


The installation procedure will display the command that you should use. The installation procedure does NOT define the logicals or startup the products.

To startup EPICURE:

To startup a single EPICURE product, use the appropriate product$ROOT plus the mnemonic as a prefix, as in:
Note that the products interrelate, and must be started in a certain order. We recommend that you use the EPICURE$ROOT startup, which will start up all products that it finds on your system in the correct order.

Shutting Down EPICURE Products

To stop all of EPICURE:
A single EPICURE product can be shutdown by itself using the appropriate product$ROOT and prefix:

Additional Product Instructions

Most EPICURE products will be distributed ready to run. Some may have some site-specific tailoring that can be made by the system manager. Check each product's product$ROOT:[SYSTEM] directory for a README file. (Usually something like AAAREADME.TXT.) In particular, product EPICUREDA has a tailoring choice whether to use a small or large global section. The kit is shipped (currently) with a small global section chosen.

EPICURE File Structure

The EPICURE directory structure which will be added to your system is diagrammed in Figure . The structure follows that of the computing department's PRODUCT software.

Product EPICURE_Vnn_m is the only product that uses the PRSTARTUP.COM and PRSHUTDOWN.COM files. These call all the other products' xxx_startup.com or xxx_shutdown.com files, respectively, in the order required by product interactions. As the diagram implies, EPICURE_Vnn_m is a product, and its directory looks just like the rest described above.


EPICURE consultants can be reached by VAX mail to address WARNER::CONSULTANTS.


Since we are not affiliated with the computing department's PRODUCT package, we do not inform its software of the existence of the EPICURE products. We do, however, attempt to conform to its requirements. The system manager may setup the PRODUCT data file to startup the EPICURE products as desired.

Keywords: Epicure, installation


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