Research Division EED/Controls Software<P> Release Note 48.0<P> <b> ECDB MAILER:</b> EPICURE Central Database Report Mailer<P> V1.0

Research Division EED/Controls Software

Release Note 48.0

ECDB MAILER: EPICURE Central Database Report Mailer


David M. Kline

The EPICURE Central Database Report Mailer (ECDBmailer) works in conjunction with the AutoLoad application and any future EPICURE applications that provide reports for individuals who require periodic updates of information that resides in the Central Database. The ECDBmailer application provides the facility to electronically mail reports to individuals who request them. This document provides a description about the ECDBmailer and its operation.

Product Description

The EPICURE control system ECDBmailer application is a product that is used to electronically mail reports to individuals. The current implementation only requires the mailer to use the reports generated by the AutoLoad application and mail them to the individuals who are responsible for the central database static relations. In the future, the ECDBmailer will be used to mail other types of reports generated by the control system to individuals who request them. ECDBmailer has been implemented using the DCL command language and executes as a batch job using the ``everymnth'' utility supported by the control system.


The ECDBmailer product attempts to startup by initially translating a logical and searching for a ``boot/configuration'' file name that has been equated to a symbol within the command procedure. If the logical fails to translate ECDBmailer will write an error message in its logfile and terminate execution. Furthermore, if the logical does translate but the ``boot/configuration'' file can not be found, ECDBmailer writes the appropriate error message into its logfile and terminates execution. However, if the ``boot/configuration'' is found, ECDBmailer begins a configuration phase by reading each line of the file and interpreting keywords and data in order to setup a default environment. Data within the file consists of other logicals and file names which contain additional data that ECDBmailer will use to mail the reports. The following paragraphs describe the ``boot/configuration'' file keywords and the operation of the application.

The ``REPORT_DIRECTORY'' keyword identifies the directory that the AutoLoad application or any other one has placed the reports into. The data is a logical and ECDBmailer attempts to translate it. If the translation fails, an error message is written into the logfile and the application will terminate procedure execution.

The ''DEFAULT_DIRECTORY'' keyword identifies the directory that the mailer will ``set default'' to before any other processing takes place. It is the location of the ``boot/configuration'' file and the application source code (DCL command procedure). The data is a logical and ECDBmailer attempts to translate it. If the translation fails, the application writes an error message into its logfile and terminates procedure execution.

The ``MAIL_LIST_FILE'' keyword identifies the file that contains the username(s) that are to receive mail from ECDBmailer and the report file name that is to be mailed. ECDBmailer verifies the existence of the file before it attempts to mail the report(s). If the file is not found, an error message is written to the logfile and execution terminates.

The ``MAIL_DATA_FILE_LOC'' keyword identifies the location of the mail list file. The keyword data is a logical that ECDBmailer attempts to translate. If the translation fails, an error message is written to the logfile and procedure execution terminates.

The ``PROCESS_NAME'' keyword identifies the ECDBmailer process name. This keyword is used mainly to determine whether another process with the same name is present. If an error occurs while trying to set its process name, either another process innocently has the same name or another ECDBmailer is executing. Either way, the application writes an error message in its logfile and exits without mailing any reports.

After the ECDBmailer application has configured itself for execution, the data identified by the keywords ``MAIL_DATA_FILE_LOC'' and ``MAIL_LIST_FILE'' are combined to define the file name that contains the list of names and reports that are to be mailed. ECDBmailer attempts to open the file for read access. If the file is not found, an error message is written to the logfile and ECDBmailer terminates execution. Otherwise, each line of the file is read and the username(s) and report file names are extracted. The report file file name is verified and a status message is written to the logfile identifying the username(s) and the report file name. The application will then use the mail VAX/VMS utility to send the report to the username(s). The application will continue to process this way until the end-of-file marker has been reached. At that point the file is closed and the application will terminate.

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