Built within the APPDS facility are various statistics and timing measures which can be view via the CLIB Peeker D22.
The following is a list of information collected per application across the APPDS facility as a whole:
- For all READ, WRITE and DELETE calls
- Total calls made per APPDS routine
- For each access mode (Sequential, Index, Key)
- Success count
- Failure count
- Shortest access time
- Longest access time
- Access time for last call
- Return status for last call
- Total number of errors
- Last error code
- Name of the table where the last error occurred
- Last operation to report an error
- Access mode of the operation that reported an error
- List of open tables
The following information is collected for each open table:
- For each access mode (Sequential, Index, Key)
- Total Call count
- Failure count
- Shortest access time
- Longest access time
- Access time for last call
- Return status for last call
- Last operation to produce an error
Introduction Document
Contact: webmaster@adwww.fnal.gov
Last modified: Fri Feb 12 13:14:27 CST 1999