Our Vision

The Accelerator AI/ML Group will enable unprecedented accelerator up-time and performance records while eliminating emergency repair calls and minimizing operator and engineering cognitive loads during oprations.

Our Purpose

The Accelerator AI/ML Group will improve Fermilab accelerator operations by optimizing accelerator performance and automations.

Our Mission

The Accelerator AI/ML Group will provide the following:

  • AI/ML automation consulting and development for the Accelerator Directorate (AD).
  • AI/ML risk mitigation through a well defined Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) framework.
  • AI/ML risk management protocols.
  • Liaison to Fermilab's AI Project Office (AIPO) in the Cmputer Science and AI Directorate (CSAID).
  • Coordinate AI/ML activities within AD.
  • Connect with the worldwide accelerator AI/ML community.


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