The documentation in this section contains topics relevant to the Front End Group.
Front-end Services
- FE Required Services
- 12 Steps for Alarm Support
- Documentation for the Fast Time Plot (FTP) Protocol.
- Multiple Alarms documentation.
- Download control and Monitoring documentation.
Front-end Group Product Manuals
- Online OODA documentation.
- MOOC-related
- How to install vxWorks on a VME processor board
- VxWorks Error Reporting -- an updated logging facility for VxWorks.
- VxWorks System Time -- Synchronizing the system time using the TCP time service.
- CVS Resources
- Using for front-end development.
- VxWorks on Nova
- SQL/TDS Database Download Instructions (non-AERBOOT/SLAM)
- rwlock -- readers writer locks for VxWorks
- VxWorks Kernel Versions Information
- VxWorks 5.x Manuals
- VxWorks 6.x Manuals
Presentation Slides
- Using XMLRPCs on VxWorks (PDF)
Hardware Documents
- Generating a Bus Backplane Interrupt from the 162 board.
- Notes on Power PC VxWorks VME memory accesses.
- The UCD Manual Table of Contents.
- How to make data accessible to ACNET from a VxWorks Front End.
- MVME-2400 Programmer's Reference Guide [pdf]
- PowerPC 750 User's Manual [pdf]
Front-end Systems
- The Linac and IRM Front-ends.
- MOOC Vacuum Documentation
- SWIC and Multiwire front-end information
- IOTA BiRa Power Suppliers
pcrc_users_manual_tdk_genesys.pdf - ChannelFinder Setup on vclx4
- MOOC Vacuum front-end/controller information
- QXR docs
Some Frig documents
TWTPM Documents
- 400 MeV Line BPMs
- MDAT8X Documentation
- Debuncher BPM documentation
- The CAMAC Front-Ends
Beams Division CAMAC
- CAMAC Module Documentation... more here... and here.
- Current status Porting Front-End Software (drivers & tasks)
- The current fix list for the project.
- Table of MADCs in Service
Research Division CAMAC
- Generic Documentation
- ACNET Node Request
Department Links
Here are useful links that were created by other Beams Division members:
- The Departmental Vacation Calendar.
- The latest Error Reports.
- A Search of *
Group-related Links
Here are links currently in use by members of our group:
Argonne Lab's
Self Describing Data Set (SDDS) Documentation |
It is hoped that the performance data taken from the 2.5m telescope at Apache Point will be analyzed using the SDDS toolkit. This link takes you to the file format description. It also describes some of the filters already developed that understand this format. |
CORBA 2.3 Specification from the Object Management Group |
Our group has an ongoing interest in CORBA. |
EPICS Home Page |
Our group also has an ongoing interest in EPICS. |
- Last modified
- 12/15/2023
- email